¤| Chapter Twenty Five |¤

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GoDnEsS mE.

Five more chapters and this book will have thirty chapters.

I tOlD yOu DiDn'T i? This book will have LOTSA chapters.

But now, let's show what those three will do and how will they save Twenty-Three.


"Oh boy," Six muttered once glancing at the closed doors in the hallway. Crates stood at some sides of the other doors. Seven sighed beside her, "Ooookay, which door should we take?"

Music floated around them, Six nocked her head to the door at the very end. She turned to the boys, "Let's go there," she said they nodded.

They dashed to the door before any other monster would show out the hall. Six once again hopped to the handle and the door slowly opened. Six hopped down and peeked in to see Twenty-Three on the center of the room under the spot light.

Seven and Mono peeked in too, making them look like a totem pole.

"I'm not liking the vibe here," Mono muttered, and as if on cue, Twenty-Three snapped her head to the three, her lips gracing an amused smirk.

I expected you to come here, she said in a ghastly voice, yet in the same time melodic and hauntingly the same as Twenty-Three, but something was quite wrong.

The not-quite-the-same Twenty-Three turned to them and tilted her head to the side, Six noticed that her eyes were still closed.

So? She asked, Are you coming in here or are you gonna stand there like stupid looking totems? She asked and Six pushed the door wider, clearing her throat. At least some of Twenty-Three's sarcasticness was in this... Not Twenty-Three.

"W-Who are you?" Six asked and noticed a little shakiness in her voice. She frowned at the little fear in the back of her mind, this was Twenty-Three. She is your best friend...

Except when your best friend got cursed and a new person came out from her entirely.

Not Twenty-Three smiled and placed a hand on her heart before bowing, I'm Doll Twenty-Three... As you know, that child Joker favors.

"No, we didn't know that," Seven said as he and Mono stood side by side of Six, "What are you?"

Doll Twenty-Three rolled her head upwards as if she was rolling her closed eyes, Obviously not human, you dolt. I'm a curse, and I'm doing my precious Twenty-Three a favor.

"Favor? Twenty-Three told me about that and she told me that you have only one favor for her," Mono said and Doll Twenty-Three laughed, a haughty queen like laugh.

One favor? I'm doing her TONS of favors, but she only owes me one thing for all the things I'm doing for her, ONLY ONE, Doll Twenty-Three pointed out while stepping up closer to them.

"What is it?" Six asked and Doll Twenty-Three smiled gently, Oh, Six... You are like me... Well, like Twenty-Three. You know what I'm talking about right?

"No, I don't," Six said and Doll Twenty-Three groaned, Oh, whatever. You'll know very soon.

There was a rumble nearby and Doll Twenty-Three lifted her head to the open door, I guess we'll meet again. Go and bring Twenty-Three outta here. See you soon, she placed two fingers on her eyebrow and did a mock salute before limping to the floor, yet the three ran to her and Mono caught her before she fell face first to the floor.

The rumbling was closer, Six turned to the door and to Twenty-Three to see she was sleeping peacefully. Which was the most ironic thing to see right now.

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