¤| Chapter Eight |¤

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Woooooop!!! Still somehow eating well, but at least I am eating!

And lets show today's chappie!


"Six? What are you doing here?"

Six's eyes widen as one of the children went to the edge of their beds to look and whisper-yell at Six, who was close to the room with the light.

Six smiled, glad she saw a familiar face, with his same brown hair, blue jacket, and ripped pants glory, it'sa Seven.

"Seven! Can... Do you notice the world around us?" Six whisper asked as she walked closer to Seven's bed and climbed up, sitting beside Seven who was also sitting upright.

Seven looked around the Nursery, and shuddered, "Reminds me of my nightmares. I'm betting this is the part you'll tell me I'm living in a nightmare right?"

Six sighed, "Well, yeah. I woke up hours ago - I think - finding out I'm living in a nightmare," Six explained as she looked around the sleeping kids, "I wonder where the others are," she frowned.

Seven smiled, "But I'm sure you're glad you saw me right?"

Six punched his arm playfully, "Shut up. I can handle myself, I had this nightmare before, so I can live through it like a breeze," Six pouted.

Seven leaned back with mock sadness, "So you're not happy you saw me?"

Six rolled her eyes, "I didn't said that," she said, "Although, us meeting like this didn't happen to my nightmares before..."

Seven smiled, "Then I guess, we escape together or I lie down here and imagine you never passed by?" Seven asked, hopeful Six would pick the first option.

"You're one of my best friends, I'm a big prick if I leave my best friend be here in this nightmare-ish world," Six said and stood up.

"So I'm coming with you?"


They both smiled, "Okay then," Seven said as he moved himself again, until a light clink was heard, "Oh... Right," Seven sighed, lifting his blanket to show one of his foot were cuffed to a bedpost.

Six looked at the cuff, "Can we break it with force?"

Seven shook his head, "No, this is made of magic, it's unbreakable... Though the chain isn't," Seven trailed off thinking of a way to cut off the chain, and Six smiled, "Hold that thought," she said and pulled out her lighter, lighting it as the small fire glowled comfortably.

"You're not gonna fry me right?" Seven said as he straightened himself.

"Please, I'm very careful with fire. In the right temperature the chain will cut off," Six said as she went to work with the chain, slowly melting the metal.

"You're sounding like Dr. George," Seven joked.

"Hey, Dr. George sounds weirder that no one can interpret him," Six reminded. Seven laughed silently, if they manage to leave this sick kind of nightmare world, things will go back to normal... Hopefully.

Finally, they both heard the metal clink again, Seven moved his chained leg to see it was already free, smiling, he stood up, "So, where to?"

Six looked at the room with the light, "There, I suppose," she said and the two hopped off the bed as they walked on to whatever the nightmare had in store.


The two were doin all the parkour jazz, stopping most times for rest and/or when the Janitor passes by them.

|| It Was All A Dream... || Seven X Six (Sevix) Fanfic ||Where stories live. Discover now