¤| Chapter Fifteen |¤

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"Is someone here?" Rodger rasped.

Mono and Twenty-Three held their breaths as Rodger stood there, sniffing the air. Now that it was only him there and the other two monsters are out of the infirmary. At least they weren't gonna die instantly.

But they were still gonna die.

"I know you are out there. At first I thought it was just the Hunter and the Nanny's children filled scent. But I'm sure there is a kid here," Rodger rasped, "Come out now before I find you," he warned.

Twenty-Three turned to face Mono, "What are we gonna do now?" She whispered.

Mono peeked out the cotton jar to see that the Janitor was patting around the beds and the tools on the trolleys. Then he turned back to Twenty-Three, "We go out this place silently," he whispered.

Twenty-Three nodded while holding Mono's hand, "Let's go," she whispered again and they slowly tip-toed out of the cotton jar.

Rodger sniffed again while his grin turned upside down, "Two kids, a boy and a girl. I can smell you, you know," he rasped.

Twenty-Three shivered, but she felt Mono clutch her hand, giving her assurance that they'll make it out.

Slowly they sneaked to the edge of the counter, and they saw the trolley they climbed onto.

Rodger's hands stopped moving, then he turned to their way.

"Found you!" he roared while he reached out to grab the two. Twenty-Three yelped and Mono turned to the Janitor's hand directing to them.

"RUN!" He shouted as he hopped onto the trolley and slipped down. Twenty-Three followed just behind him, and they ran out of the infirmary, Rodger following behind.

"Come back here you little f*cking sh*ts!" Rodger roared as he chased after them while slamming the door wide. Mono and Twenty-Three ran out and headed to anywhere safe.

"Where should we go?!" Twenty-Three asked, yet Mono shushed her.

"He's blind, we shouldn't make any noise," Mono whispered and Twenty-Three nodded, "Okay," she whispered back.

Mono looked around to see some crates that can let you go up the lockers, what a luck, he thought.

He turned to Twenty-Three and pointed to the locker, "We climb up there," he said and Twenty-Three nodded.

Rodger roared behind them, "Even if you f*cking stay silent I can still smell you!"

Quickly the two jumped unto the crates and climbed up to the lockers. Seeing there was some boxes ontop the locker, they hid behind the boxes.

Twenty-Three peeked out to see Rodger sniffing and patting around.

Rodger grumbled, "These little sh*ts," he mumbled while turning back and walking away.

Once the two didn't saw Rodger's slihouette near the hallway they were at, they sighed in relief.

"That was close," Twenty-Three muttered.

"We were inside a room filled with three monsters, I think our near deaths experiences was almost very close," Mono said.

"But we are-"

"Don't jinx it," Mono warned and Twenty-Three sighed, "Fine."

Twenty-Three went back to the conversation the three had a while ago, "I think what they were talking about is important."

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