¤| Chapter Fourteen |¤

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Oh hai der, it is I, Ceendeh Vun Oatackyuuuuuu~!

Im bacc wit a newh capper!


Mumu: *looks at Cindy* *slowly grabs his magazine* I'm gonna hit her before she looses any more brain cells.

Myoni: Uh... Okay?...

I cannuit believia I'm laking tow mah favorate shipzZzzzzSSevix!


Mumu: THAT'S IT I'm hitting her, *hits Cindy's head*


Myoni: *winces* Owh.

Mumu: Please don't loose anymore brain cells.

Sure, I won't anymore...

But actually, everyday you loose about-


Right! Right! Okay,

Let's show today's chapter!


Six woke up feeling something soft and warm under her head. She groggily opened her eyes and saw the warm glow of the lamp. She turned to the side to see Seven's form sleeping upright.

Did I just slept on his lap?! Six thought while blushing. She felt another movement near her right side and she turned her head to see some of the Nomes cuddling on her side.

Six smiled on how cute they were, then she noticed other Nomes were also curling around them. Carefully making sure she wouldn't wake up Seven or the Nomes, Six sat up straight.

She turned and looked at Seven. He was sitting upstraight while his back leaned against the wall, face leaned to the side while his mouth was parted slightly as silent snores left there, Six frowned, It must've sored staying on that position, she thought.

When Six noticed she was staring at her best friend, she instantly blushed while looking away. She awkwardly tried to look for something else to look at and her eyes landed on the lamp, with it's flame flickering side to side.

Suddenly, Six felt a slight pain in her stomach.

Six winced, "I should better find something to eat," she mumbled while standing up, dusting off her raincoat. She looked around the darkness, "I guess I'll go there," she mumbled while walking off to one of the vents.

She lit her lighter and looked around her surroundings. Again, the pain stabbed Six's stomach and Six clutched her stomach with her free hand while whimpering a bit.

Food... I must find food...

She kept walking, taking one step at a time. Yet every step caused the pain to strike harder than before. Six whimpered everytime another hunger pain rolled in as it also made her eyes blurry. Yet Six kept on walking.

Six stopped when she heard scuttling and squeaking. Her head snapped to that direction and she lumbered her way to the sound.


Six gasped as she clutched her stomach as the pain came in again, stronger than before. She felt her lungs slowly loose more air and she felt like she was going to faint. But she continued to trudge to the sound.

Then her eyes focused on a rat stuck in a rat trap. Once the rat saw Six, it scuttled faster, trying to brake free from the trap's grasp even if it was impossible.

|| It Was All A Dream... || Seven X Six (Sevix) Fanfic ||Where stories live. Discover now