¤| Chapter Six |¤

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Well, it's neaaaaarrrrr!!!!

And also I'm guessing I'll make a lotsa chappies for this book.

Anyways, *steps on foot on pedestal and points up north with a 3DMG sword* ONWARDS!


Six never knew she'd have the same nightmare again...

Why when she's finally safe and happy?

Welp that's how stories work, it's a boring story without conflict.

Six ran away from the Janitor who amazingly looked like Mr. Rodger at school because it IS Rodger. The only thing that made it scary was that The Janitor had longer arms and more of the creepy wierd vibe.

And the fact he was GINORMOUS, literally.

The Janitor's hand patted everywhere for Six's very small frame, Six dodged and dodged while she ran forward. An elevator made it's veiw and Six grabbed a plank while throwing it to hit the button. The elevator door slided down, yet the cage blocked the elevator to fully close.

The Janitor's arms slided under the door and Six jumped to avoid the arms. Six looked around and ran to the cage, pulling it to hope it'll break. The Janitor knew what Six was doing and grabbed for her, yet by some time of dodging again and running around, Six managed to break the cage and The Janitor's arms were cut off.


Six ran away from the leeches when she reached to this new level. Six ran and until she squeaked when another light showed up and she bumped into a figure.

She looked at the stranger who showed up, her eyes widened under her bangs.


Six gasped awake as she jolted up straight, What? She questioned as the nightmare replayed on her head.

Who was that?

Author: The obviously-ness levels highten and clihe-ish feeling arouses.

Seven: My god.

Six shook her head and stood up from her bed, finally she was already having the time of her life and nothing can stop her now.

Oh boy she was wrong.

Six cleaned herself up and wore a yellow tank top, white shorts, and her signature yellow raincoat. She headed downstairs and cooked her breakfast, which was pancakes since Author loves pancakes.

When she was done cooking and eating the nice pancakes, Six toothbrushed, got her backpack, and wore her yellow boots again. She headed out the house and locked the door behind her, and trudged her way outside the gate and locking it too.

Once again, Mono wasn't there so Six walked on. Along the way, she sees Seven waiting by a lamppost, "Seven!" Six called as she walked to him.

Seven smiled, "Hey Six."

"You seem to be here early," Six pointed out as the two start walking down the road.

Seven chuckled, "I just woke up early from..." Seven said yet trailed off, Six turned to look at him, "From what?"

Seven sighed, "Nothing. My brother slammed the door open making me jolt awake," Seven lied and he looked over the side, hoping Six would buy the lie, which she did.

|| It Was All A Dream... || Seven X Six (Sevix) Fanfic ||Where stories live. Discover now