¤| Chapter Nine |¤

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So in the question at chapter Eight, you said sure why not show what happened to the other two. Welp here it is...

Imma just say, this is dam long, since Imma enjoy writing this (since the world you're about to read is literally came from my mind and this is my own nightmare world.)

Plus a pic of The Joker and The Nanny before you read.

Plus a pic of The Joker and The Nanny before you read

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The Joker (see above)

The Nanny (See above)

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The Nanny (See above)

(My drawing is horrible? I DON'T CARE BI-)

K, carry on to Nightmare School!


Twenty-Three felt a swirl in her stomach, her mind pounding like a ten-ton elephant tap danced on her head. She felt tired, but in the same time alert.

You see, Twenty-Three got caught in another explosion in the school. Causing her, who was in Arts class with Mr. Joker, to pass out.

And here she was, concious, but couldn't open her eyes. Twenty-Three jolt when she heard footsteps, closing in on her.

When did my senses hightened? Twenty-Three wondered, then she felt the person shuffle closer to her.

"Time to wake up, Songbird," a man's voice echoed, making Twenty-Three shiver in fear. Suddenly, her eyes opened on their own, Twenty-Three mentally gasped, as she took in the world in front of her.

She was sitting on a swing, with was tied up on the ceiling of this very ginourmous tent, the tent had red and white stripes like those in the circus. Below the swing was a circle stage, no doubt for the other preformers.

What made Twenty-Three jolt was the man infront of her. The man was very tall and ginormous, he was wearing the clothes of a ringleader of a circus with a matching top hat with a gold design. Twenty-Three couldn't see his face, since it was being covered by his mask that was split in half, one grinning, one frowning.

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