¤| Chapter Nineteen |¤

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We'll not do the 'Adventures of Mono and Twenty-Three' chapter today.


I think you know why.


Six blushed while placing a hand on her lips, "You just flippin kiss me."

"And you teased me and made me confess," Seven pointed out.

"So what? We are a thing now?" Six asked.

"Is that a question that needs to be answered?" Seven asked while tilting his head a bit.

"Yes, it is," Six said while pouting, knowing once again Seven will win over that pout, he sighed and held Six's hand.

"You want to be my girlfriend, Six?" Seven asked and Six smiled, "Is that a question that needs to be answered?" She mocked and they laughed.

"What is happenin' 'ere?!" Chef 2 roared his head dipped low under the table.

Author: Floof time is over kids! Time to face problems!

Six and Seven froze in horror, Chef 2 gagged, "Ugh, romance. I hate that. Come here you pests!" He said while reaching out to get them, yet thankfully he had a fat short arm so they didn't reach them.

Seven looked around and saw another table nearby, "We run there," he said and Six nodded. They held hands and dashed out of the table. Chef 2 roared and chased after them. It seemed when they enjoyed teasing each other, Chef 1 left.

The two slid under the table and Chef 2 once again tried, poorly, to grab them. Unable to grab them, Chef 2 stomped his feet and huffed like an elephant and walked away.

"Well, moment's over I guess," Seven said while turning to Six as she rolled her eyes, "Har."

Slowly, they crept out the table and peeked to see the other side of the Kitchen, Six knew they had to go in the elevator to get the other key.

"We have to go to the end of the Kitchen so we can go to the elevator where other key is," Six explained and Seven nodded, "Okay."

Now that Chef 1 was gone - where the hell he went - it was easier to sneak past the elephants. They slid table under table until they made it to the other end.

The elevator was going down and Chef 1 was in it. Seven looked around and brought Six to another hiding place as Chef 1 walked out and entered the Kitchen.

Once Chef 1 was out of sight, they went out their hiding place and Six grabbed a potato. She threw it and it hit the elevator button. They went in and the elevator closed, lifting them to the second floor.

Six and Seven went out. Six looked around the hall and saw something opened ajar. She squinted her eyes to make sure her eyes weren't playing with her.

It was an almost invisible door.

"Six?" Seven asked, Six turned to Seven and pointed the door, "You see that right?"

Seven looked to what Six was pointing and squinted, it was really hard to notice the door, but he did. Seven nodded, "Yeah. I can, what about it?"

"That door shouldn't be there," Six pointed out.

"So," Seven turned to Six, "We go in?"

Six looked up to the almost invisible door, "I'm curious where it would lead us."

Seven nodded, "So we go in. If that's what you decide, I'll gladly follow," he said while smiling.

Six smiled, "Then I guess we'll go in," she said and reached out to open the door bigger. The elevator behind them made a sound, meaning someone was going up, so they went out and closed it before Elephant Chef number whatever is gonna get out.

|| It Was All A Dream... || Seven X Six (Sevix) Fanfic ||Where stories live. Discover now