¤| Chapter Twenty Three |¤

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I'm gonna do something.



I'm finding out I'm evil and crazy, hopefully the good kind.

But I'm slightly evil, SLIGHTLY EVIL.



.: Twenty-Three's P.o.V. :.

Twenty-Three wiped her eyes as she stood up, taking a deep breath and looking around the Nest, "Let's go, we've... I don't want to be here anymore..."

Six nodded, "Yeah," she said, "Let's put our head in the game. The big shadow guy just visited here."

Mono suddenly became alarmed and he facepalmed, "We were too focused on saving Ten we-."

The breeze became stronger.... and colder. Twenty-Three held unto her cloak so it wouldn't fly away. She looked up to see the shadow man slowly decending using the black winds that swirled around him.

"Glad you finally noticed that," the shadow man hissed, his voice like the wind before a hurricane, "It took time to test you now."

Before the four could run, winds snapped as it grabbed Six and Twenty-Three. They both yelped as the winds dragged them away.



Six glared to the shadow man, "Let us go!"

The shadow man faceplamed, "Did you not hear what I said? I'm... Ugh whatever," he said and raised his hand, causing the winds to slam the two to the ground.

Twenty-Three scowled as she felt something swarming her body as she made her way to the ground, she thought it was her nerves prickling but she felt lighter... And stronger...

One day of working together huh? You owe me one after all, Doll Twenty-Three echoed. Twenty-Three moved her hand to grab the scissors and she did. With one swing she cut off the winds.

It was impossible to do, but the winds got cut. It was like she had... magic.

Twenty-Three leaped and landed safely on ground, she panted for a while. The shadow man hissed, which caused Six to stop her falling decent, but she was still entrapped in the wind.

Twenty-Three stood up and grabbed a long stick, she turned to the two boys, "Catch Six when she falls!" She ordered.

"What do you mean fall?" Seven asked yet Twenty-Three ran, tossing the stick to the shadow man. Her eyes glowing a light lavender and the shadow man smirked.

"The Pain is stronger than Hunger, I see," he said amused while dodging the stick away.

Six scoffed, "I don't even know what you're talking about, but I hate being held down!" She shouted as she bit onto the wind, another impossible thing but it seemed like the wind got hurt.

Author: aNoThEr OnE bItEs ThE dUsT.

Author: *starts laughing in admist of the actions she's been writing.*

Mumu: *raises an eyebrow*

The wind hissed as it slowly vanished and Six fell, Seven ran and catched her. Mono stood beside Twenty-Three with his ladle ready, "This is not over isn't this?"

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