¤| Chapter Twenty Two |¤

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But it's not yet even gonna be the end!

When I finally can write the ideas that were bottled up in my brain, I suddenly keep on writing until I'll finish it.


Of course I say again.

I didn't play VLN or watched someone play it... YET. It can be inaccurate so forgive me.


They lumbered to the door. More thuds and shudders came through the other room. Six slowly opened the door and they sneaked out.

Nanette still followed them, and hugged on Twenty-Three's leg since she was the closet and had a cloak so the little Nome could hide. Very clever.

The room was a big lobby, it had a couch on the middle and there was dolls being tossed everywhere.

They slid under a end table that had a vase on top. Six peeked out to see a girl with white skin, gray hair, a green dress and very red lipstick sat on the couch tossing the dolls she had away.

Of course, a brat having a tantrum.

"I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SAY!" The little girl shouted, scowling at the wind above her. Slowly, the wind took a form of a dark shadowy man whose face couldn't be seen.

"Pretender, you need to asisst me if you want to get what you want - all the toys in the world," he said in a voice that whistled past thier ears as if the wind had vocal chords.

The Pretender scowled, "I have all the toys I can have in the world! But what I want is that yellow raincoated freak's head in a PLATTER!"

"I promise you'll get that, what did she do to you?" He said, his voice gaining annoyance, yet he control it.

"First, she puched my nose with my bouncy ball! The Butler had to bandage my nose for two days and more! Next, she destroyed my doll, my favorite doll! Lastly, JUST HER BEING ALIVE AND BREATHING ANNOYS ME!" The Pretender roared.

The shadow man leaned back, "That seems to be three good reasons to kill her," he said and the Pretender nodded, "Yes!"

The shadow man crouched down to the Pretender's height, "Tell you what, Olivia, if I manage to find that little girl, will you help me?"

The Pretender inspected her nails, "That depends, if you kill her..."

The shadow man chuckled, "I can do that in seconds."

"What do you want me to do anyways?" The Pretender asked.

"I want you to tell that Craftsman of yours to build more dolls, if we expect to control over both worlds, we need all the warpower we need," the shadow man said.

The Pretender smiled wickedly, "That's easy. Although the Craftsman has orders already, I can tell him that."

The shadow man nodded, "Now, do we have a deal?" He asked while reaching out his hand for the Pretender to shake.

The four children looked at each other, they had all the same thing in mind.

Get the hell out of here.

The Pretender rose her hand, yet it stopped halfway and her eyes widened.

"Her," the Pretender growled. The shadow man turned to see an girl with the yellow raincoat peek out the door, "I'll have her dead for you-"

|| It Was All A Dream... || Seven X Six (Sevix) Fanfic ||Where stories live. Discover now