¤| Chapter Thirty Seven |¤

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.: Twenty-Three's P.o.V. :.

Her head pounded so badly, thankfully, not as badly as before when she talked to Six that someone was tenderizing her head and she kept thinking, making her head dizzier. Now, Twenty-Three's head felt like she didn't slept for two days straight - which hurts. It was night time now on the hospital and as said by the doctor she could leave tomorrow yet come back when she get sick after a few days.

Twenty-Three sighed out as she curled to the side, the noises still continued outside her bed cubicle and Twenty-Three wished her mother had brought her tablet or phone so she could drown it out with some music.

Luckily no one found out the scar on her forearm, which was a good thing, looking at it makes Twenty-Three shiver remembering the doll that caused that scar. The scar of her forehead though, still stinged even after it got rewrapped or it was slowly healing, like a bit of the North Wind's... hand - what you call it - digged deep into her skull and slowly pulled out to give her so much pain.

In the pocket of her hoodie, she found scissors. Below her bed was a lamp and an umbrella. Like the stuff Twenty-Three brought around in the Nightmare-mashed-with-the-Real World came with her...

Hopefully not also... her.

Huffing through her nose, knowing she was too restless to rest, Twenty-Three stood up. She needed a bit of quiet time and being in the ER is not the best place for quiet time.

Twenty-Three pushed the curtains aside and looked around before heading out. It felt good to walk around on shoes again, being barefoot most of the time in that... Incident... sored her feet.

Twenty-Three pulled over her hoodie to hopefully cover her bandaged forehead and made it past the hall. It was silent exept the the usual nurse or patients walking by, Twenty-Three walked on until she reached a lounge, she looked around and saw a vending machine neaby, so she trudged to the machine and pulled out some money to buy a nice cold orange soft drink.

"Hey Twenty-Three," Twenty-Three heard Mono behind her and she jolted a bit, the money almost near to falling from her hand. She turned around and saw Mono there, Twenty-Three sighed out, "Dude, you scared me," she said as she put in the money on the slot and picked out the drink from the vending machine.

Mono tilted his head, "Aren't you supposed to be resting?" He asked and Twenty-Three shrugged while grabbing the can that now fell into the reciver's slot and popping open the soda can, "Well, I tried and failed," she said while taking a few sips.

"How about you?" Twenty-Three asked while looking over at Mono and he flinched back a bit, since he wasn't wearing a paperbag, Twenty-Three swore his ears got a bit red.

"Uh, I will be heading out now, I'm done with my check ups," he said and Twenty-Three tilted her head, "Are you okay?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"You jolted when I looked at you," Twenty-Three pointed it out blantly and now she saw Mono's cheeks get tiny bit... red too. Is he... blushing?

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