¤| Chapter Four |¤

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Especially the 5:19 one, play it and you'll find out. XD (and that lead me to do a drawing of Seven throwing a barrel (or bucket) to Mono's direction.)

Plus credit to Ren is Random for that Vines vid.

Anyways! On to the chapter!


.: Six's P.o.V :.

Morning sun came and Six did her daily morning rituals that was fix herself, eat breakfast, and such and such.

Six decided not to wear her raincoat for no reason yet she will bring it along, she wore a yellow T-shirt and white shorts then she wore a black bummer jacket.

She went outside the gate to see that Mono, or anyone else of their little group wasn't waiting for her, so Six walked on.

"Hey Six!" Seven waved as he walked down the streets, Six smiled up to him, "Hello, Seven."

"Did you manage to finish Ms. Gloria's homework?" Seven asked, Six chuckled, "I did. Did you?"

"Of course I did!" Seven smiled.

"'Sup guys," Mono said as he suddenly showed out of nowhere. Six and Seven jumped out of shock and looked at Mono.

"You scared me!" Six exclaimed.

"Well, I should've said 'Boo'," Mono said and rolled his eyes under his bag.

"Look at you, you found your paper bag!" Seven smiled at him.

"Well, I found it under my bed... Now I'm not that mad at my dad," Mono chuckled.

"And why are you late? You didn't showed up on my gate ya know," Six asked as she looked behind him.

"If there's one thing in the world I hate it's Ms. Gloria's homework... I finished it all and slept late," Mono said and sighed.

Seven smiled, "Well looks like someone was expecting someone to come," he teased.

Six glared at him, "It's our daily ritual remember? Or do I really need to bring you to the clinic for a check up for your head?" She asked and poked Seven's head.

Seven chuckled, "Kidding, kidding," he smiled.

"Wassup guys?!" Twenty-Three jumped as she also showed out of nowhere and rested her arms around Mono and Seven as hung at the middle.

"Elated as always, Twenty-Three," Mono grumbled as he slipped his shoulder away from Twenty-Three's arm. Twenty-Three jumped safe to the ground and giggled, "Just because you managed to find your paper bag doesn't mean your going to be a meanie to me," Twenty-Three said and pulled on Mono's bag playfully.

Six giggled, it was cute to see anyways.

Mono swatted Twenty-Three's hand away playfully, "Yeah right, let's just go already before we know it Ms. Gloria is going to give us mountainful of homework for being late."

The three nodded and they walked to school, having the normal chats and playing teasing.

Yet what does Cindy mean by the 'good luck'?

Six sighed, I guess we'll find out.


Six and the others walked inside the Math class once again, she saw Ms. Gloria as always sitting down her desk swatting with her ruler.

|| It Was All A Dream... || Seven X Six (Sevix) Fanfic ||Where stories live. Discover now