¤| Chapter Twenty Six |¤

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Can I be real? If I manage to reach thirty chapters in this book I tell you this will be the longest fanfic I've ever wrote.

And if I do manage to reach thirty chapters, you know what I'm gonna do?

Run around the living room squealing while listen to music and my sister would look at me like "wtf C×@!!€×?" And yes I'm aware I just showed (well... still censored for private reasons) my nickname.

But wait a minute... That is what I do everyday when I'm not doing my lessons, minus the running around squealing, but maybe pacing back and forth while rping all by myself which I tend to do too often.

Whateva, if I manage to get thirty chapters I will go bake my sister's original choco-chip oatmeal and raisin cookies that I love so much and will hand it out to ya'll cuz they are THE BOMB.


Anyways that's all, let's show the chapter.


.: Seven's P.o.V. :.

The two girls did a little brainstroming before turning to the two boys who stood totally uneasy. Seven tilted his head, "So? What are we gonna do?"

Six sighed and nodded to Twenty-Three, who turned to them, "We run outside."

"But wouldn't we get caught? Which is a bad thing especially for you," Mono asked. Seven nodded, although in the back of his mind Mono carrying Twenty-Three didn't seem to leave his thoughts, causing him to smirk a little but he lowered it down. It's serious time, get your head in the game.

Twenty-Three seemed to be happy about Mono asking about that, since a sly smirk graced her lips, making her look like a different person entirely. A person who was witty, sly, and mysterious.

"I'm glad you asked, Mono," Twenty-Three said while walking to the hole and motioning the others to her, then she pointed the bench on the second platform that had a loose bolt, one good push would topple it over and block...

Oh, Seven thought while his eyebrows raised in surprise once he put two by two together.

Mono nodded, catching the drift too, "So we run there, one of us would topple that bench over which would cause to block the monsters from catching up on us," he summarized and Twenty-Three nodded, "Yup."

"Who will do it?" Seven asked and the two girls looked at each other before looking at him and Mono again.

"I told Twenty-Three I'd do it, but she wanted to do it," Six said and Seven raised an eyebrow.

"Uh, are you sure about doing that? You're the one we're saving here," Mono pointed out and Twenty-Three rolled her eyes, "But it's me who the monsters want. I'll just get their attention, topple the bench over and run off."

Six sighed while turning to Twenty-Three, "I think I should really do it. Maybe the monsters can mistake me as you since we almost look the same," Six said and Twenty-Three shook her head, "We are going outside, the monsters would spot me and run after me even if you try to distract them."

Mono and Seven looked to Six and Twenty-Three over and over like a tennis match while the two still continued to argue who was gonna topple the bench. Mono cleared his throat, "Why not I do it? Then Twenty-Three could attract the monsters attention before I push the bench."

Seven nodded, "Yeah that would be a better plan right?" He said, completly relived this little banter gonna be finished. Six and Twenty-Three looked at each other before sighing, "Okay Mono, you can do it," Twenty-Three said and Mono nodded, "Great. Can we go now?"

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