¤| Chapter Thirty Three |¤

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*inhale exhale*

*inhale exhale*



.: Third Person :.

The four children walked on, finally after all their adventures, they were close to the end. Close to chilling out and getting comfy, hanging out with other good friends and even the horrible school tests or the anticipation of the last bell ringing, signalling the school was over.

If only it was that was easy. Memories of all the horrifying places they have been and that tiny fact that a friend died will haunt them, even at the end of time it would seem.

The world became a nightmare, and now they're heading to the person who caused it all. Who made this all happen and made these four children fight off the monsters.

The Principal's Office was bigger than before and seemed to be mashed up with the Lady's Quarters and the Broadcaster's Signal Room (Idk where the Broadcaster would be in the Signal Tower or what would it be called so bear w/ meh). And they stood in a short hallway with a big metal door with one wide eye staring down at them straight ahead and two doors that were slightly open on the left and right. You could hear a shrilling sound of TVs coming from the room in the left while a low humming tune on the right.

They walked on, Mono made a tiny peek in the left room and froze to see tons of TVs, all static and shrilling with that high pitched sound. There was a really tall man in a bowler hat looking over them all, pressing some buttons and inspecting all the TVs, making sure it will stay in the same static frequency.

It was the Broadcaster.

Mono slowly backed away from the door and turned to the other three. Six tilted her head, "What is it?" She whispered. Mono shivered a bit before backing away from the door in case the Broadcaster would hear, "It's the Broadcaster's Room, and he's inside," he said.

"Oh boy that's not good," Twenty-Three mumbled. Seven peeked in the right room to see many mannequins and a broken mirror. The Lady humming that haunting tune while combing her hair. Seven gulped silently and backed away from the door, turning to the other three, "Well it'll get worse. The Lady is in this room," he whispered.

"Oh boy, that became scarier," Six whispered back, Twenty-Three turned to her and silently huffed through her nose, seeming to debate if she was to chuckle about that or frown.

"So two big bosses live across each other, but... What about the one in front?" Mono asked while looking over the metal door with the giant wrinkly metal eye looking down on them.

"Probably that wind dude who fought us back in the Nest," Twenty-Three suggested.

Six nodded, "Yeah, probab-"

Suddenly the metal door shook and the four jolted. They ran into the Lady's room, since that was the nearest and slipped under a wooden cabinet. There was footsteps reaching up to the Lady's room before they heard te metal door slam shut. They saw the feet of the shadow man who fought them back at the Nest and quickly knocked on the Lady's door.

Six slowly crawled closer to the edge and saw the form of the same man. But now that she got to see a closer look, he wore a light blue suit and white polo, light blue dress pants that match the suit and had black loafers. His face was covered in the shadows but his black hair and the shadows wirling around him winded from one direction: North.

The Lady stopped humming and lowered her hair brush, "Who is that?" She asked, not turning to face the door.

"The Lady, the time has come," the shadow man said, "They are closing in on me."

The Lady turned, her white mask covering the emotion of her face, "The North Wind, you better remember our deal once we defeat the four children," she warned while walking on to the door and opening it wide, "My share of this new world, the sea."

"Yes yes, and the Broadcaster owns the land, and I will own the sky, yes yes I know," the North Wind exsaperatedly said and the Lady hummed in disinterest, "You better keep our end of the deal, or I will end you on the spot."

The North Wind nodded, "Yes, Your Highness," he said the last two words in a mocking tone. The Lady shrugged him off and went out, the North Wind sighed and turned.

Slowly Six crawled out to the door frame and the three followed behind, the Lady knocked on the Broadcaster's door, "WHAT," he shouted. The Lady sighed exsaperatedly, "It's time," she said.

The Broadcaster opened his door wide, wearing a dark blue suit and his upper face hidden from the shadows of his hat, he grinned crookedly, "Oh, I will like this. Especially with the new invention I have made!" He said.

The Broadcaster walked out the door and walked on to the metal door, the Lady following behind. The North Wind stayed behind, standing as frozen as a pole while one of his winds swirled near his ear and whispered something.

"Hold it," he said to the two and they stopped, the Broadcaster turned to the North Wind, "What?"

"They're here."


OOF small short chapter before the big game.




Bye *hides behind a bunker before the comments bombard me*

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