¤| Epilouge |¤

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.: Third Person :.
.: The Nightmare World (aka Little Nightmares World) :.

A tall woman with her black hair up in a ponytail and wore a dark kimono glided down the alleys of the City, ignoring the brainwashed people stumbling and limping about. She walked on and made her way to one destination in mind.

The Signal Tower.

She breezed her way to the front steps and walked on in. There was plenty of static TVs and all of the people inside were thin, twitching, and walking like zombies. Their eyes were glossy from being hypnotized and there was more of them surrounding a TV, groaning and twitching.

The woman frowned as she walked on to the elevator, she pressed the button to the highest floor where the man she was supposed to meet was stationed.

After being fooled... That North Wind had the guts to use them as pawns, probably he wouldn't meet the end of their deals and watched in amusment as the kids killed them off.

The elevator dinged and the woman walked out, the Secretary stood up and bowed upon seeing her, "He's inside, please, go in," she said before sitting back down. The woman nodded and walked inside the room.

It was a room with many TVs and on the other side was glass that overlooked the City, there was a tall man about the woman's height looking over from the glass. He was bandaged and seemed like a miracle that he managed to survive the yellow raincoated girl's monster attacks.

"You came," he said.

The woman frowned from the inside of her white emotionless mask, "Of course, we were both fooled, weren't we? How is your wounds by the way?"

The man huffed, "Healing day by day, by good grace. But that isn't the reason I have written a letter to you and made you come here all the way from your home," he said while turning around, his face hidden in the shadows of his hat. He smiled while walking over the sofa and gestured one of the single couches, "It will be a long one, so I suggest we should sit. Tea?"

The woman rose a hand, "No need," she said as she walked and took the seat the man offered. The man nodded and sat on the sofa opposite of hers.

"So what is this idea you have made?" The woman asked.

"With the help of my scientists, they learned about how the North Wind managed to mash our world and the other world halfway," The man explained while grabbing a nearby tablet and handing it to the woman, where there was a presentation of a machine.

The woman took it and scanned the machine's blueprints, then she looked up at the man, "What is this?"

"The same blueprints of the machine the North Wind used. With a bit of funding and power, we can make our own machine like that. And we don't need to bring ourselves into that world," The man said, the woman rose an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"We can bring the world to us, and control them both in the end," the man said while leaning closer.

The woman rose both eyebrows and leaned closer too, "Tell me more."

"If we can manage to bring people into this world, we can quickly control them and take them by surprise on the fears of this horrid world we live. Hypotheically we do manage to bring people from the Real World here to the Nightmare World, my scientists tell me that it will be easier to bring ourselves into the Real World if we bring someone here - to the Nightmare World. If that does happen, we can send out forces to that Real World and have it for the taking. More land, more sea, more people to control," the man paused, "And more people to eat."

The man folded his arms while leaning back, he looked intently at the woman.

"Are you in?"

The woman looked down on the machine's blueprints, imagine... Bringing children from another world into theirs, then having that world as theirs. More money... More power... More fear... More land... More food...

The woman smiled wickedly under her white mask upon daydreaming that beautiful fantasy.

"I am in."



Surprising right?

I guess you probably know who they are.


Even if I got new fanfic LN AUs I wanna publish soon and stuff....

Byeeeee!!! Thanks for reading 'It Was All A Dream'! It had been one hell of an adventure, but I believe it must end. Thank you readers for being there and commenting, your comments gave me the motivation to continue this after many Writer's Blocks and laziness overtaking me.

Thank you. This is...

The End.

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