The meeting

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Chapter 1

I walked swiftly down the street as a chill swept over my body.

I looked around feeling nervous as the whole city was eerily quiet.

My heart began beating faster, harder, I closed my eyes feeling the world tilt.

Calm down Echo, everything is fine.

He's probably just late.

Like he never is.

I walked faster and noticed something.

My eyes widened as I saw three masked guys suddenly drag a man into an alley.

I looked around before following them, unsure if I should call the police.

"I didn't do it I swear!" One of them laughed.

"Sure the fuck you didn't, do you believe him Jace, cause I don't."

"Please! I have a family, I'm begging you!"

One of them stabbed him causing me to scream and drop my package, the thing I had spent everything I had to get.

My world shattered into a million pieces as I stared at the men in horror.

Their victim gurgled and blood poured from his lips. I turned quickly and ran, another scream came when I felt fingers grab my wrist.

"Kill her," I looked up at the one spoke, he was the same one who had spoken to the man who he had killed.

After he spoke he picked up my box.

I stayed silent, fear taking over my body.

"Come on Logan, let's not-"

"Jace, I said to kill her,"

Jace hesitated, hand softly gripping my skin.

"Elijah?" The last of the three killers stepped forward and reached out to grab me.

I screamed in terror and tried to pull myself free. "What's your name girl?"

I shuddered and shook my head.

My lips wouldn't move.

"Just do it," Elijah said and walked away. Logan nodded at the man holding me and I was dragged away.

"I'm sorry," he whispered in my ear, I felt the sharp tip of a blade on my flesh.

"No your not," I said softly, my body finally cooperating.

He paused for a moment before sighing. "Does it even matter?"

I waited for the pain, but felt him move back instead, at first I thought he was letting me go.

I was wrong.

"Come out," he shouted, I felt the cold harsh wind pick up.

"You called and I came," a voice sang, it made me want to fall to my knees and weep.

Jace tensed beside me. "Begone,"

A beautiful woman stepped forward a tear slipping from her eyes, her shining eyes.

"I know what you really want, you don't want me to leave," her tone made me shudder.

"If you value your life you will make yourself lost demon,"

She giggled. "He's coming, he's coming, soon your silly mission will cease to be, it will only be those who follow the true leader that will wander the earth."

He shook his head.

"Surrender Famine, you know you will never win," she whispered.

Jace let me go and slid over to the woman and kissed her causing her to laugh in delight. I stared in shock.

He lifted her up and placed her on the wall.

A flash of silver cut through the night, blood dripped down and the woman screamed her agony falling to the ground.

"Stupid Siren, didn't even have a clue as to what she was dealing with."

He wiped his dagger on the ground and turned to me just as I ran.

I kept running faster and faster.

People were cruel.

There's not much more to life.

I got a taxi and gave him my address and waited as he drove.

"Bad day miss?"

I shrugged. "Yeah, it was a bad day,"

I paid the driver and walked into my house, I locked the door and stumbled to my room.

I fell onto my bed and thought of what I had just lost.

I just dropped my one chance for forgiveness...

A box of my mother's things.

Micah will never forgive me for their murder now.

I closed my eyes and sighed.

Those people are insane,

He called that girl a siren...

Nah, he's crazy.

I laid there until loud knocks woke me up later that evening. I turned on a light and didn't bother looking at my miserable state.

The door opened and Micah stormed in.

"Well? Where is it? You weren't at the meetup point so you'd better have an explanation." I shivered.

"It's gone Micah, I lost it."

He slammed his hand down causing me to flinch back. "What do you mean you lost it!"

I backed away shaking.

"I- I, I'm sorry," he grabbed me and dragged me against him, lips touching my ear.

"You little bitch, you're going to be spending the rest of your life making up for what you took from me, that I can promise you,"

He punched my stomach causing my breath to leave my lungs.

I fell to my knees coughing harshly, he slammed me down and sat on my hips grinning.

"What's the matter little sister? Scared? Just like I was in that fire, unable to escape... petrified."

He spoke softly in my ear.

"Unable to move as the fire licked at my skin and consumed me,"

He licked my throat making me scream.

"Micah stop!" I pleaded crying, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Come on sis, you owe this to me, you owe your whole fucking life to me." I sobbed, kicking and screaming.

"I've seen enough," suddenly hands grabbed Micah and he was pulled off me.

A man with dark green eyes stood in his place, his hands gripped me and I was pulled up.

"Let's go, bring the girl, we've got unfinished business." I recognized the voice as Logan, the man who So badly wanted me dead.

I stared in shock as Micah's head rolled over on the ground, blank eyes staring up at me.

I screamed and fought the person dragging me out, my eyes locked on the large pool of blood growing on my floor.

"Jace shut her up!"

The tip of a needle landed on my throat.

I gasped and looked up at him, pleading that he
Let me go. He closed his eyes and the needle went in.

I sagged into his warm arms as the world went black.

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