Forced Kisses and shadows

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  Chapter 30

  Echo's pov

"When we said Quinn, we didn't mean... all of you..." Logan said staring at the four men taking off there boots.

"Well..." Quinn tried to come up with an answer and then simply shrugged and shoved past him.

"Thanks for coming!" I called from where I was changing Theo.

"Aww," all four of them said at once staring at Theo.

"I must admit, this child is smarter than you all are, except for Echo of course." Cain said then winked at me.

Logan crossed his arms, clearly not amused. "Here," I gave Theo to Levi and walked over to Logan pressing a light kiss to his lips.

Since the having the twins, we haven't been able to be affectionate... At all.

Logan smiled at me and wrapped an arm around my waist. "They were supposed to be helping us with the-" I placed a finger on his lips.


Damian came down with Mia, who was quickly stolen by Cain. "They're century old vampires, obsessing over my-" I shushed him and watched them hold and cuddle with the twins.

"Alright down to business, we need to kill the strange shadow man." Joey said and looked around thoughtfully.

"How do we know Chaos won't send another?"
Joey blinked. "That's Quinn's territory."

We looked at Quinn. "Right, so basically I'm going to make a magical wall around your property, only those you know and trust will be able to enter."

"But... Your a vampire..." I said trailing off. Quinn shrugged.

"So? Some vampires use magic, don't trust anything you read or watch."

Wattpad lied...

"Alright, how do we kill it?" Jace asked as Quinn ran off to do his thing.

"Well, first we need to catch it." I looked at Theo, his blue eyes were wide as they looked at me, a soft cry came from him but he remained quiet.

"How...?" I asked and suddenly everyone was looking at me. "Ah, Echo... as much as I'd love for you to be here dove you could get hurt, and someone needs to watch the twins," Cain's words were kind, full of apology.

I nodded, sure I wanted to be here, but I was needed as a mother first... plus I can't help anyway.

I took Theo and Mia and walked up to their room.

Theo looked up at me with curiosity. "There's something bad in the house," I explained as I wrapped them up in there blankets and placed a pacifier in their mouths.

"It wants to hurt us, but their going to fix it so it will be okay, then we'll be happy again." I smiled and stroked them lightly.

"Your such a good girl, I'm sorry I haven't held you in a while," I kissed her face softly and yawned.

"I might take a nap with you guys, mommy is exhausted." I whispered as they slowly began to fall asleep.

"Isn't this lovely? They're beautiful Echo," I froze and slowly turned around. Chaos stood in the middle of the room smiling at me warmly.

I opened my mouth to scream but he was already there, placing a hand on my mouth. "Naughty girl, don't scream Echo," he slowly took his hand off, threat obvious in his eyes.

In fear for the twins I didn't scream.

"I must admit, last time you fooled me Echo, and now you have powerful vamps on your side, you've surprised me."

He stroked the side of my face. "Resourceful, smart, beautiful, cunning. What more could I ask for?" He turned his attention off me and looked at my sleeping babies.

"Don't hurt them," I said softly afraid of what he was going to do. Normally I would tell him to get out... but now...

"Hurt them? Oh Echo, of course not! I won't harm them, you really are a wonderful mother, I've watched you through my shadow."

He paused and lightly touched the crib making my breath catch in fear.

"You have tried so hard... and to my delight it was you who discovered what Theo was truly seeing. But, I had to see them, you in person, I got over my anger from when you fooled me and came just as they were about to set up the barrier."

He turned back to face me fully, I held back my sigh of relief. "What do you want?" My voice shook.

Chaos smiled. "Same thing as last we spoke, all I want is the world, and you standing beside me."

He turned and gently picked up Mia making a scream quickly form. "Don't," I pleaded unsure of what He was doing.

Mia opened her eyes and looked at me, a giggle came from her rosy lips. Keep your eyes on me, don't look up...

I prayed Theo wouldn't wake, if he did he would scream, if he screamed...

"Wonderful children," as Chaos spoke Mia looked up and her face twisted as she began to whine and look over at me in confusion.

Chaos placed her back into bed and placed her pacifier in her mouth.

"Come here Echo," I hesitated. "Now."

I walked over to him, hands shaking.

He leaned down, his mouth touched my ear. "You are mine. You always have been, since the moment you were made you were made for me."

I shivered and tried to step back. Chaos pushed me into the wall and placed his lips on mine.

My eyes widened in horror and I moved to break free. My hands were forced above my head, my legs were forced into the wall by his own.

I was trapped.

His lips moved angrily on mine when I didn't kiss him back. I tried to turn my head to the side, but his lips were on mine with so much force my head couldn't move.

As his tongue pushed at my bottom lip I considered biting it... but then he would get angry and he could hurt Theo or Mia.

The thought of what could happen brought tears to my eyes. "Open your mouth love, or I'll hurt you... Or maybe I'll hurt-" I quickly opened my mouth and let his tongue inside.

I gagged slightly, my whole body remaining still. "Kiss me Echo, don't make me ask for something again,"

I held back my sobs and kissed him lightly. I brushed my tongue against his and broke away unable to do it, I felt nauseous.

His hand stroked my thigh lightly as he kissed along my neck, I looked up and saw Theo watching me, he laid there, simply watching seeming agitated and unsure.

Tears ran down my cheeks as he pressed his mouth to mine again. Pretend it's Logan, or Elijah, just don't think about -

Theo let out a sharp cry making Chaos ease back. I fell to my knees and threw up unable to hold it in any longer.

I heard people on the stairs, making their way over here.

"I'll see you later Echo," I kept my face down panting.

I heard a whoosh and looked up, Chaos was gone.

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