Field trip

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  Chapter 14

  The boy's pov

"I don't know, maybe we should have brought her," Damian finally said breaking the silence.

"And done what with her? Lock her in the trunk the whole time?" Elijah scoffed.

"Turn right and exit the highway," the gps spoke.

"No don't listen to her, we need to keep going on 80," Jace said to Damian leaning forward.

"But she's a sexy computer, why should I listen to you?" Damian started to turn making everyone shout.

"No, stop it you dimwit!" Jace grabbed the wheel, cars honked their horror as the car turned around swiftly missing the exit.

"Re calculating,"

"Thank god," Jace breathed sighing in relief.

"Guys, can you imagine what Lily would say? 'You guys can't follow a gps, but you want to take over the world?' She would be all over us right now." Damian said shaking his head.

"Maybe we should have brought her, you know, safety reasons," everyone looked at Logan in shock.

"What?" Elijah shook his head.

"Nothing, nothing at all,"

"Holy shit, take this exit Damian!" Jace shouted.

"Which one?!" Jace grabbed the wheel again making everyone shout louder.

Echo's pov

"This is it," I was pulled into a small apartment building.

I walked in and instantly flopped on a chair rubbing my eyes. "I never got your name," I said looking up at him.

"My name's Chris, and you are?"

I smiled. "I'm Echo,"

"Well Echo, you look like you've been through hell, want a beer?" I nodded and looked out into the distance blankly.

"Here you go, tell me, what's your story?"

I shrugged. "Not much to it, my parents didn't want me so I got adopted, my step-parents died in a fire, their son hated me and I ran,"

I paused taking a drink. "I met Raphael, wanted to be special, I was blinded by my own desire. I escaped him soon enough and here I am."

I had no desire to tell him about the guys.

"I'm sorry," Chris placed a hand on my shoulder and I tried to not shrug it off in distaste.

"What happened to you?"

He paused. "I was normal, got married, happy parents, then I went to a club."

I watched him. "Raphael wanted my wife... I refused... He killed my family and took my wife, here I am."

I watched him with sympathy.

"We're the same, the world used us, and here we are trying to get back up on our feet."

His words made me nervous, we weren't the same.

"You should get some rest," Chris stood and motioned for me to follow him.

Something about all this, him, felt wrong.

I hesitated. "What's wrong?" I stared at him, he had gray eyes. Something is going to happen, run!! My mind screamed.

I shook my head and backed away. "I- I need to go,"

Chris frowned. "It's not safe out there, I can help you, if you give me a chance."

His words sounded more like a threat.

"I can't," I moved to go to the door, he stepped in front of it. "You can't go, you don't understand, we're made for each other Echo Anderson,"

I froze. "I never told you my last name," he grinned.

"You came here, without a single doubt, why is that Echo? You know me, just like you know them," he spat the last part with hate dripping from his mouth.

"Who are you?" I asked fearfully.

"You know who I am Echo, just like I know you, every little secret you have. I can't tell you how happy I was when I found out you left them, to come to me."

He's crazier than anyone I've ever met.

"Your Chaos," I whispered and stepped back when he advanced.

"I am, come here Echo, it's time we fulfilled our destiny,"

I tried to calm myself to get information. "Your going to destroy the world." He clapped and nodded happily.

"So what are the others here for?" That's when he got angry and shot forward, he was so fast I couldn't stop him.

His fingers gripped my neck, I gasped.

"I'm sorry my love, my temper is under control now." He let me go and I fell to my knees before him.

"Those silly children think so highly of themselves, they are supposed to stop me, instead they help me all along the way."

I knew it. Not that it helps me right now...

"Then... why do I matter to you? I'm just a normal girl,"

He smiled and pulled me up and against his body. "Your not normal, but like me. I was made from a small part of each of their souls, the evil part. You the small ounce of good they have."

I frowned. "So I'm connected to them?" His fingers gripped me harshly making bite back a cry.

"Your mine, but yes in a small way you are part of them, like I am. But have no fear little one, I'll kill them soon."

I looked away from his evil glowing eyes and tried to calm my breathing.

How am I getting out of this one?

The boy's pov

"Here we are, the cave," Jace pulled out flashlights and passed them around.

"I was hoping to never come back to this hell hole,"

Damian grinned at Logan. "This cave is where we were 'born' have some respect for the old thing."

We were silent as we walked down the cave tunnels until we found the makings that told us our destiny.

After an hour of looking and reading Elijah got frustrated. "None of this Shit is different, let's just go," Elijah punched the wall and Jace inspected it.

Damian walked over. "Oh my motherfucking god, it's paint, this whole damn shit hole is fucking fake."

Logan ran his fingers through his hair and looked around. "Lets see what's under it,"

This is your call

End chaos or the world will fall.

Damian and Logan sat on the floor looking defeated. "She was fucking right,"

Logan clenched his jaw. "Our whole lives have been fake, this was all a set up."

Jace shook his head and fell to the ground too looking exhausted. "If we're here, and Lily is alone, where the fuck and who the fuck is Chaos?"

"Holy shit, we left Lily alone," Damian jumped up.

"So?" Logan asked.

"He was giving her fucking nightmares, what's stopping him from killing her?"

Logan stood and motioned for us to follow. "We've messed up enough yeah? Let's get out of here."

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