Chapter 7

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The yelling made my head ache before I even opened my eyes.

I shifted over and slowly allowed my eyes to open.

Then screamed.

The man, who looked creepily like Jace jumped around falling on his back.

The air- it made me gag.

It was like people had been thrown in here, died, then had been forgotten.

On further inspection of the room, I knew my thoughts were correct.

Dead bodies.


I covered my mouth with my hand and gasped.

Blood on the ground, trickling down the walls.

It was throughout the whole cave I seemed to be in.

I placed my head between my knees to fight my nausea.

Fingers trailed down my back.

I shuddered trying to shift away.

A different hand, a wet hand grabbed my chin.

"Mine." Death whispered and pulled back.

I looked at his hand and lost everything in my stomach.

It was covered in blood, that blood now also on my face.

After I was done four shadows loomed over me.

I coughed and wiped my face with my shirt.

So much blood.

"War, death, pestilence, and famine." 'War' told me grinning.

Was he seriously telling me- oh? Of course, that's their names.

I simply shifted away even more and looked around the cave for the entrance.


I blinked and looked up at Elijah- no, not Elijah, pestilence.

"I'm not telling you my name."

A sharp smack to the cheek made me clench my jaw.


I took a deep breath then coughed again at the sharp taste of rot in the air.

One of them grabbed my throat.


I shivered.

What's the worst telling them my name could do?


Pestilence blinked and pulled back.

"Echo... Echo..." He smiled.

He fucking smiled.

Famine touched me next, sliding his hand along my cheek.


Okay this is really making me want to hurl again.

I backed away, only to be pulled back.

I stilled. Maybe making them angry isn't a good idea.

Famine slid his hand down my throat.

"No, stop," I whispered as he went farther down.

Famine frowned.


I nodded my head.


He seemed confused.

Famine gazed at his hand and dipped it back along my neck.

"No!" I whimpered trying to shift away.

He pulled back as if burned.

"No? No."

He slowly touched me again.

"Stop! No, don't -"

Famine grinned.

"No! Echo, no."

He nodded proud of himself and pulled back completely.

What the fuck?

I was left alone for the moment.

My body ached from sitting, and laying on the rocks for so long.

I slowly stood.

Then was promptly grabbed by the neck.

"No." Famine told me sternly.

I felt my lips twitch of their own accord.

He was using that against me now.


Over the past three hours, I learned something.

Death, Damian's look-alike only really knew one word. 'Mine.'

Pestilence, Elijah's look-alike also only knew one word, my name.

Famine, who looked just like Jace spent a long time simply sitting behind me petting my hair saying 'no.' As if that would somehow soothe my terrified form.

War, who looked like Logan, had a much bigger vocabulary, which made sense.

He had always seemed to be the one that used strategy.

"Stop, just don't." I pulled away from Famine again trying to ignore the sad look that reminded me too much of Jace.

"No." He told me dragging me back into his arms.

I sighed and just went limp.

Death and War had disappeared, so there were only three living people in the cave, if they counted as people that is.

"Mine." Death whispered crouching down to touch me as well.

They only seemed to leave me alone for a few minutes at most before coming back to touch me.

Thankfully they seemed content to touch my face and neck, not... other parts.

"Echo, not 'Mine'," I told Death.

He simply growled deep in his throat and placed his face in my neck inhaling.

Famine twirled his fingers into my hair and let out what seemed to be a soft moan.

I stiffened, but knew better than to try and pull away.

"You know you could give me some space."

They both frowned.

"Space?" They echoed.

I grimaced.

"Space, you there, me here."

I used my hands to explain, they didn't like it much.

Famine shook his head.

"No... space."

He nuzzled further into my hair. 


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