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     Chapter 7

I laughed nervously and backed away from Damian.

"Come on, your not scared, are you?" Damian said smiling slowly, he moved forward.

He was the most sexy person I had ever seen in that moment.

"You were so brave just a moment ago," he continued pressing closer, I stepped back and fell backwards into Elijah.

"Have no fear, I couldn't touch you even if I wanted too." I turned around and faced Elijah, my heart breaking for him.

"What happens if someone touched you?"

He laughed dryly. "I'm pestilence, what do you think? I send people to their death bed."

Damian's joking face turned solemn and sad for his brother, they were more human than they thought to be.

I felt something take over me, I leaned over and quickly, faster than he could possibly stop, ran my ringers along his cheek.

Elijah jumped back horrified.

"The human wants to die," Damian pulled me back eyes wide.

"What the fucking hell! I wore gloves to make sure you couldn't get killed and you fucking touch me?"

His angry face made a giggle escape me. "You can't hurt me," I told him unsure of how I knew this.

"Jace! Your human is going to die!" Damian shouted loudly, loud quick footsteps could be heard as Jace came down.

"She touched me," Elijah said flatly.

"What the hell? You touched her?!"

"Bitch, Selective hearing anyone? She touched him," Damian said scowling.

I watched them amused.

"How long till I fall down dead?" They all looked at me, Jace's lips twitched.

"You should be screaming in pain right now," Elijah growled and glared at me.

"Oh I'm sorry, I'll start dying right now your majesty."

After a few minutes Damian let out a low yawn causing Jace to slap him.

"I can't control my yawning, it's not like anything is happening!"

Elijah stared at me lips parted, he grabbed my body and set me on the counter.

He used his teeth to take off his gloves and he placed his warm hands on my cheek, cupping my face.

"I can touch you, feel your skin," he whispered his head bent to my neck and he kissed the skin right below my ear.

I inhaled sharply and realized he smelled like the forest after a long rain.

"Elijah," Jace said warily, he eased forward and looked at me.

Sparks erupted along my body, going from my skin to his.

When he suddenly let me go I fell to the ground, I cried out when my ankle twisted and I fell backwards onto my butt.

"I need a minute," Elijah walked off and went upstairs leaving me with the other two brothers.

"But he could touch you guys," I said thinking aloud.

Damian laughed. "That's a little different, not going to lie we've brought home a lot of girls and he's seen us fuck them, now he can touch you, what do you think is going through his head?"

My lips parted. "Eat your food before you cause any more trouble," Jace told me looking up towards where Elijah went.

"I didn't mean to do anything, I just wanted to make him-"

I stopped and realized how wrong that sounded.

I sat down and bit my lip.

These people are trying to kill the whole world, and you care that one of them is sad?

Wake up!

"Lily," Jace murmured and sat beside me at the table.

I stiffened. "I'm actually not hungry anymore, I think maybe you should take me back to my room." Damian glanced at Jace.

"I think that's a great idea," I looked up and saw Logan leaning on a wall watching us.

His face looked like it had been carved out of stone.

He stalked forward and grabbed my arm, I looked at Jace.

He was looking at Damian.

Logan pulled me into my room, I looked up at him.

He backhanded me.

I grabbed my stinging cheek shocked.

I tasted blood in my mouth, I had bitten my tongue on accident when he hit me.

"You, why?" I stared at him.

"Why? Stop giving my brother hope,"

"Hope, hope for what?" I whispered watching him.

"For a normal life, if I catch you talking to Jace again I will punish you,"

I looked at the ground then looked back up glaring.

"I need him focussed and you going around acting like that won't help. You are a prisoner. It's time I treated you like the scum you are."

My lips quivered as feelings from the past creeped in.

"Oh, did I hurt your fucking feelings? I'm sorry, does the little princess need a hug to make the booboo go away?"

My hands shook with anger and fear, a terrible mix of emotions.

He laughed and shook his head.

"I heard what you said to Damian, you have no friends or family. People only see you as an object to to use. No one will ever love you."

I blinked back tears.

He was right.

"I will use you until you break. Then, you will feel only pain as you bleed."

He left, slamming the door behind him.

I fell to my knees.

Suicidal themes

I closed my eyes feeling tears roll down my cheeks.

Forever used...


Again a prisoner...

Hurt until I die...

Why was I even alive?

I opened the door and slipped through the hallway, there was no one.

I walked into the bathroom and opened a cabinet.

I looked through labels until I found what I wanted.

Warning this product is toxic, if swallowed...

I took off the cap and stared down at the liquid.

My life doesn't matter.

All that happens is pain.

If he wants to torture me, what's the matter of I die with no pain?

I took a large swallow and almost instantly felt my world tilt. I stumbled feeling dizzy.

I slipped to the ground and felt blackness and sweet freedom finally come.

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