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  Chapter 31

"Echo...?" I coughed and wiped my mouth, then my tears and looked up at Jace.

"What happened?" I stood and stumbled unsteady. 

Jace gently caught me and brought me to his chest gently. "I've got you,"

I closed my eyes, but then pulled away. Theo was crying for me, I can break down later.

I picked him up as the others came in at Jace's call for them. Logan took Theo from me and Damian held me tightly to him.

I knew everyone was confused as to what has happened, but didn't question me yet.

"Little flamma, what's wrong?" Damian whispered softly in my ear.

"He was here, he, he made me-" I stopped and inhaled sharply clinging to him.

"I'm going to kill him," Damian snapped harshly and I stepped away from him.

I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth shaking harshly. Damian walked in and wrapped his arms around me from behind.

Running my fingers through my hair I sighed and touched Damian's hand. "I, I need you," I breathed out fighting not to hyperventilate.

He picked me up and brought me to his room and laid me on his bed. He curled beside me and tucked me closer.

"Echo, are you okay?" I pressed closer to him still feeling Chaos's lips on my skin.

"Kiss me," I whispered. Damian hesitated.

When he didn't move I kissed him, rolling on top of him. He gasped surprised and I slipped my tongue into his mouth desperately trying to get his taste off my tongue.

Damian's fingers latched on my hips his eyes wide with lust. I rocked gently, causing a soft groan to move past his lips into mine.

He broke away from me. "Now is not the time,"

I flinched and nodded quickly backing away.

"I'm sorry," Damian paused. "Echo," he sighed sounding worn. Tired.

Come on Echo, they have enough to deal with already, stop making a big deal of everything...

"Right, I'll go downstairs and see what I can help with!" I rushed out of the room blinking back my pathetic tears.

"Did you manage to kill it?" I asked walking into the room trying to mentally recover from what has just happened with Chaos.

"...Yes..." Jace said watching me carefully.

Damian walked in behind me, his reached out to grab my hand then paused and walked past me instead. Ouch. No stop it! Your being a baby, deal with it. They don't have time for this.

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water quickly. "Echo," I looked behind me and tried to smile at Logan. "Yeah?"

He frowned. "Stop doing that, it's okay to not be okay," I nodded and took a breath.

"Is there anything we can do for you?" Joey asked calmly looking worried.

"You've done enough, thank you," I told him.

"So, we'll see you all soon?" Quinn asked putting on his shoes. He looked hesitant to go.

"Yeah, next time maybe we can hang out, I feel bad for having you over just for this." Elijah said and shook Quinn's hand.

"It was no problem at all," Cain announced and they left.

I walked over and took Mia from Jace, I hugged her to me tightly and sighed. "Its time for these two little babies to take their nap."

"I'll help you," Logan said softly and picked up Theo.

I gently rocked Mia as Logan did the same for Theo. Mia went right down, Theo soon after.

I walked down stairs and made myself some ramen before relaxing on the couch.

The guys seemed strangely distant. Instead of sitting beside me like they normally did they sat as far as possible.

I ate quickly so I could go cry in bed. Alone.

"Goodnight," I announced, when I got no replay I ran up to my room so I could finally cry out my frustration.

I found Moon and stroked her lightly as I cried into my pillow. Eventually I cried myself to sleep.

Until a crying baby woke me up in the middle of the night. I stood stretching and walked to their room.

Theo was still asleep, that boy could sleep through anything. I cradled Mia against my chest and rocked back and forth.

"Its okay, mommy's here now," Mia went back to sleep as I whispered to her gently.

As I placed her back in bed I watched them sleep. I stroked Theo's fingers and felt terrified.

I couldn't protect them today, in fact I would never be able to. Not with what we were facing.

I slumped down in front of there cribs and thought about all the things that had brought me here.

"I'm so tired," I murmured and hugged myself.

This was all my fault... If I hadn't run off from the police none of this would have happened...

I wasn't ready for this...

I'm a terrible mother, anything could have happened to them tonight. I could have lost them.

I shuddered. The others must think it that way too, no wonder they didn't want to touch me.

"I'm sorry," I whispered to the sleeping babies and laid there gazing at them afraid they would disappear.

As morning came I didn't move, afraid I would shatter.


Jace's pov

As soon as I was dressed I peeked in Echo's room to see if she was still asleep.

Seeing she wasn't there I went to the babies room.

I sighed relieved. "Echo, why are you on the floor?"

She looked up at me, I held my breath waiting for her reply. "Do... Do you not want me anymore?"

I shook my head. "Why on earth would you think that? That's ridicules and completely false." I said firmly.

"I'm sorry," she muttered and turned away looking at the twins again. "Why are you upset?" I asked calmly sitting beside her.

"It's silly, I'm sorry for bothering you..." Ah.

"Echo, we still want and love you, yesterday was hard on all of us." I whispered gently in her ear.

I pulled her to me, flinching when I felt how cold she was. "I know..." She said sighing.

"I'm just insecure I suppose," she murmured and turned around hugging me.

I kissed her head hugging her to me tighter afraid we would lose her.

"We'll be okay," I whispered knowing it was a lie.

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