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  Chapter 18

  Elijah's pov

I say down and stared at the ceiling with a sigh. "Do you think she meant what she said? About hating me?" Damian asked his face vulnerable with fear.

"I don't know, you, we all, kinda pushed it tonight. Fucking waitress." Jace cursed.

We paused when Logan came down, as I saw his face I knew something had gone terribly wrong.

"We messed up, I mean we all agreed spanking but, it seems..." He paused seeming a loss for words which made me worry even more.

Logan is always cool and collected.

"What the fuck happened Logan?" Damian asked standing.

"I- I think I broke her,"

Echo's pov

Logan had tried to get me to come down, when I refused and continued to hide from him, he left.

I peeked out from under the blanket and quickly went back under when I heard footsteps.

"Echo? Are you okay?" Jace asked softly.

I felt my body relax, Jace was good wasn't he?

"Can you go on?" I heard Jace snap I peeked up and saw Logan, my heart fell.

Jace always obeyed Logan, in the beginning he was trying to kill me simply because Logan ordered it.

"Come out Echo, everything is okay now," I whimpered and hugged the blankets tighter to my body ignoring the tremors racking my small frame.

After awhile of him trying to gently coax me out and me simply shaking in fear he left.

I heard footsteps, I froze and shivered. "Little flamma, why don't you come eat something? You must be hungry,"

The first time I met Damian he tried too kill me by torturing me, he's not safe either.

I laid there for hours with no more interruptions, until this time I heard a meow.

I looked up slowly at Elijah. "Hey Echo, I brought Moon so you don't have to be alone," he offered me the purring kitten and I slowly grabbed her.

I brought Moon to my tear stained face and felt the bed shift making me jump in terror.

"Can I sit here Echo?" I nodded at Elijah and cuddled next to him with Moon.

I moved closer to him and he sighed and wrapped his arms around me.

"Why are you so afraid?" Elijah whispered and pulled the blanket over us.

"Every time I look at them... all I saw is him." Elijah frowned but nodded and simply brought me closer.


For the rest of the week Elijah was my life line. Where he went I clung.

Most days started with him trying to coax me into eating then we got to my favorite part.

We would go to his room and sit on the couch, I got to sit in his lap as he worked on his book.

I even got him to put it on wattpad, so his amazing work could be seen.


Elijah's pov

"So... where's Echo?" Damian asked me causally. I looked up from what I was doing.

"Hiding in a closet." I went back to my internet surfing and I heard Damian sigh in frustration.

"Jace I can't do this!" Damian complained as Jace walked in.

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