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  Chapter 6

  Logan's pov

I walked over to Jace stiffly.

"I need you to scare her," he looked up at me surprised.

"What? You mean giving her no food, waiting for her to ask for some wasn't enough?"

I clenched my jaw at his mocking tone.

"You need to scare her, beat her, rape her or something, just make her wish she wasn't here."

He stood jaw dropped. "Rape? Are you insane?"

"No I'm not insane, just do it." He shook his head.

"No, get someone else to do it. Damian hates her guts, ask him to do it."

I growled. "Stop questioning me Jace." He laughed and ran a hand through his hair.

"You know you really are something else, it bothers you, doesn't it, when she looks up at you like that, eyes full of trust that shouldn't be there."

I glared at him.

"Does it even matter? We're going to kill all the humans anyway, don't tell me your getting attached to the poor girl." I baited.

He just laughed again.

"You hate it, that there's a strange peace in the house, Damian and Elijah worked out there problems, I never really fought anyway. There's no war."

I scoffed. "That's ridiculous-"

"You know what's sick about this whole thing? She got away and you made me find her, not because she was the one that got away, but because you knew she would remind me of Hope."

He continued. "You wanted to hurt me,"

"I didn't -"

"You fucking knew what this would do to me! You made me go to her, you did. All because you were mad that I wasn't playing your game."

I rubbed a hand on my face. "I'll ask Damian -"

"No. You do it. Go into her room, rape her. Look into her soft brown eyes while you're doing it. Tell her she deserves it."

"I can't do that!" I said my voice grew high with frustration.

"Why the fuck not? You're not strong enough to rape a girl?" He mocked me, stepping closer. "Why can't you do it Logan?"

"Because she's fucking innocent!" I shouted breathing hard. Jace nodded and stepped back.

"You disgust me brother, you're so focussed on what you think is the right thing to do your losing everything and everyone around you."

Jace walked away leaving me standing there, alone.

Echo's pov

I heard Jace and Logan yelling, I couldn't hear what they said but they were both very angry.

For some reason that made me want to get out of this room and help them solve their problems.

Which was not good.

After a few more minutes they grew quiet and the door opened and Logan walked back in.

My heart still ached from his angry words from earlier. His rage-filled face terrified me.

I stared up at him, wide-eyed.

"Logan," I looked up, Logan turned around to face Elijah.

"What?" He snapped, they stared at each other.

"Calm the fuck down," Logan clenched his jaw but nodded. Elijah shook his head ever so slightly and walked out.

Logan walked over to me, he glared down at me before untieing me and motioning for me to follow him.

When I hesitated he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the kitchen.

"If your hungry you can make yourself some food." After he spoke he walked away leaving me staring after him.

Hesitantly I opened the fridge and pulled some things out, I opened cupboards and found what I needed.

"What are you cooking human?" I tensed as Damian walked in.

"Pasta... do you want some?" He shook his head.

"I don't need to eat, my body doesn't require food."

Shrugging I filled a pot with water and waited for it to boil.

"Did you have any friends?" I looked up at Damian surprised at the question.

"No, not any recently." He paused and frowned.

"Did you ever love?" I froze, shocked.

"I thought I loved someone once... but it wasn't love. I loved my stepmom, no one else."

I poured in the noodles and prepared the cheese sauce.

"Boyfriend?" I turned around and found him to be right in front of me.

"Why are you asking?" He smiled devilishly.

"Answer the question,"

I paused and frowned. "Yes I did, he broke up with me," he cocked his head to the side.

"Why did he break up with you? Humans are rather predictable so I assume -"

"He left me for someone else then decided He wanted me for fun. He raped me. Twice. He beat me, wouldn't let me leave the house. That's it. Predictable I know."

I turned around to turn off the stove and got out a plate.

"Is he still alive?" I looked up at him and nodded tensely.

I put food on my plate and took a bite smiling at the taste, Damian stared at me.

"Try it!" I encouraged. He slowly opened his mouth and I placed a fork full of my food in his mouth.

His eyes widened and he licked his lips staring at me. "You taste good,"

I stared at him. He coughed. "Your food tastes good," he corrected.

I took another bite.

Elijah walked in and stared at us. "Try the food!"

"I don't eat food," he answered coldly.

I skipped over and pointed my fork full of food at his lips. "Open," I commanded, he rolled his eyes but listened.

He chewed thoughtfully. "It's good,"

Damian smirked. "Isn't it? I think I want more,"

I smiled. "Get your own fork then."

I went back to my plate and got another bite, I had just placed it in my mouth when Damian grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him.

My body smacked in his and he pulled the fork into his own mouth faking a large moan.

I gasped and stared at him, he stared back. He licked his lips and my eyes followed the movement of his tongue.

"Want a taste? It's only fair,"

My center clenched in desire and I decided to tease him back. I pulled his body tighter to mine.

I could feel Elijah's burning gaze.

I tilted my face up, moving my parted lips closed to his. Damian's eyes closed and he waited.

I pulled back laughing. "I'm not kissing you,"

He pouted and sighed.

"I'll get you for that Human, just you wait."

I felt a cool gloves hand grab my wrist. Lips landed right by my ear but didn't touch me.

"You fed Damian, how about giving me some special treatment?"

Elijah's husky voice made me shudder.

I just opened a very dangerous can of worms.


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