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  Chapter 14

Damian's pov

We all looked at each other, cat forgotten instantly.

"Lily, what do you know about chaos?" Jace asked, trying to act and remain calm.

She looked at me, I nodded quickly.

"I- I don't know... I didn't even know he was a person, I've been having these dreams-"

That's when Logan lost his fucking shit.

"You've been having dreams about him and you didn't tell us?!" Lily flinched.

"You haven't exactly been welcoming," she snapped.

"I told you not to lie to us, hiding things is the same thing," Logan told her. Elijah rubbed a hand over his face seeming exhausted.

"Is there anything else -" Jace started. "I don't want to talk about it anymore," her voice broke.

"Lily," Jace soothed.

"I don't want to talk about it," she repeated softly and walked away, leaving a plate of food behind her.

"Good job asshole," I smacked Logan on the back and tossed the leftover food in the garbage.

"I didn't think he was real... this explains a lot actually. But you know we have to check this out. Together?" Elijah asked.

Logan nodded. "We have to go back where we first started, maybe we missed something, a clue a small nudge in the right direction."

I looked up at the ceiling. "What about Lily?"

Echo's pov

A soft knock told me one of the guys wanted to talk to me.

"Go away," I snapped.

"Well that's to fucking bad," Damian walked in and stood before me.

"We need to go somewhere, and you will be here alone."

I paused. "Why?" Damian sighed.

"We'll be back later parvitas flamma, unfortunately we don't trust you to stay here like a good girl so I'm tying you up."

I frowned. "How long will you be gone?"

Damian shrugged. "Two days, maybe three,"

I backed away. "You can't leave me here tied up for three days!"

"Sorry, it's already been decided. You can fight me, and then I'll be forced to hurt you, or you can just sit the fuck down."

Glaring at him I sat.

"Do you realize how inhumane this is?" Damian shrugged and tied me down gently.

"Relax, we'll be back before you know it."

I shook my head in disbelief and tried to calm myself before I said something that got me killed.

"See you later,"

Two hours, that's how long it took me to grow bored.

I listened to the clock tick and tried to call asleep.

Loud banging made me jerk and freeze.

Who could possibly be here?

I could hear things falling down, honestly I just assumed it was a burglar who was going to come murder me.

Boy I was wrong.

The door to the room I was in was kicked open and the police walked in making my eyes go wide.

"Hello, you must be Echo,"

I stared at the police man as he stepped forward.

"Y-yes," he smiled gently. "Your boyfriend has been so worried about you,"

My blood grew cold. "I don't have a boyfriend,"

The police man frowned. "He's the one that reported you missing, it's taken us a long time to track you down." I was slowly untied.

"Come on, let's get you home," I hesitated, unsure.

"They'll just find me again, and then they will kill you all," I whispered feeling sick.

"We need too leave before they do come back. We'll leave some men here to catch them, but we need to go."

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me along.

Something wasn't right, these men are... not what they seem.

"My boyfriend Raphael?" The police man froze and turned to look at me. "That's him,"

Shit, I'll never be free of that abusive prick.

"Can I go to the bathroom first? I've been tied up for a long time." I did a dance for show.

When he finally relented I went to the bathroom and used the metal bar holding up the towels to shatter the window.

I quickly wiped away the glass with a towel and crawled out.

All sound was drowned out by the pumping of my heart. I jumped into a police vehicle ignoring the shouting men and women.

I pressed the gas and drove, when a man jumped in front of me I kept going, hoping he would move first.

He did. I sighed in relief and drove as fast as possible.

I slowly calmed and opened a window laughing. As soon As I reached a town I ditched the police car and walked the streets.

I was free.

Free of Micah, Raphael, and my kidnappers.

Sure I had nothing at the moment and I couldn't go home, but I was in the open air, alone.

"Echo, baby is that you?" Spoke to soon.

I turned around too face my ex. When I saw his smug face I let out a blood curling scream, making everyone stare.

I ran.

Paying no attention to where I was going I just kept on running. I ran into a store and looked around for a place to hide.

A picture booth caught my eye and I jumped inside, only to ram into a man.

"I'm so sorry, but there's a man chasing me and -"

He pressed me into the wall of the machine and kissed me, shocked I twisted and turned to get free, but didn't scream, Raphael knows my scream to well.

The curtain opened and I heard Raphael let out a curse. "Do that shit else where,"

The random man pulled back looking apologetic. "I'm sorry miss, it's just, I'm running from him too."

I was mad at him but nodded. "What did you do to piss him off?" The man shrugged.

"I wanted my wife back,"

"That sucks,"

He nodded and scratched the back of his neck. "We could hide together, I've got a place, want to come?"

Unable to refuse, I agreed.

Only one night, it's not like anything worse could happen.

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