The club

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  Chapter 21

"So..." I started.

Damian was driving, I felt slightly unsure of what exactly we were doing.

"We'll be there in five minutes." Damian told me not turning his dark eyes from the road.

He parked and got out grabbing my hand tightly.

"Stay close to me, okay?" I nodded and allowed him to pull me inside, no one questioned Damian or asked for any identification.

People danced and drank deeply from glasses. I felt like coming here was a mistake already.

The scent of sweat, alcohol, and regret floated in the air.

"Follow me," Damian shouted over Rihanna's song 'only girl in the world.'

We walked to a more quite place and he smoothly pushed me into a booth. "I'll be back, stay here."

I only had to wait ten minutes and then he was back with drinks. "I got you lemonade," I nodded at him and drank it, soothing the dryness in my throat.

Damian drank shots making me wince. How do people drink that stuff? It's nasty.

"I need to go do something, don't fucking move, okay?" He didn't wait for my response.

Honestly if he wanted to go to a club and bring me He could at least hang out with me.

Or if he wanted to go off on his own for a breather he shouldn't have brought me to a place like this to be alone.

After an hour of waiting I stood. I grabbed one of the left behind shots and downed it for no reason before going off to look for Damian.

I pushed past girls to go through a much less crowded hallway and peeked around for Damian.

I stumbled and closed my eyes as the world started ringing. I quickly walked through a back door and into an abandoned hallway that led too an unused back door.

If I was drugged I want to be somewhere where no one will find me. I groaned grabbing my head as I slumped over.

* This next scene will have rape if that bothers or triggers you wait until the warning ends.*

Sweat began to bead along my forehead. I gasped for breath, I heard footsteps and assumed the worst, I relaxed slightly seeing Damian.

"Shit, Echo, tell me you didn't drink the shots, those were drugged," I looked up at him through blurry vision.

He touched my burning skin and cursed before letting out a soft gasp.

He kissed me hungrily and leaned me back against the ground. I whimpered unable to move, or to fight.

He slipped my mouth open and pushed his tongue inside.

I tried to wiggle away, he just moaned and grabbed my hips. "I've been waiting so long for you Echo, when you were scared of us and didn't let us touch you I thought I was going to explode."

He slipped off my shirt and stroked me softly while reaching for my jeans.

I blacked out slightly and came back into focus as he pushed himself deeply inside me.

I cried out, my body arching in pain as he slammed into me roughly. "No..." I pleaded trying to push him away.

"Shh," he breathed. Tears leaked from the corners of my eyes as he came inside me groaning.

I screamed in pain as he thrust into me one last time before standing.

"That's all I wanted Echo, you should have just let me fuck you in the beginning, I would have made it better for you." After he spoke he picked up his clothes and left me laying there. Naked and alone.

Crying I reached for my jeans to grab my phone. I whimpered when it was just out of my reach.

* End of rape scene. *

Eventually I gathered the strength to grab my phone. I blinked trying too clear my vision.

I clicked a random person and pressed the call button. When the call didn't go through I called another person blindly.

"Hello? Echo?" I opened my mouth but nothing would come out, darkness swept over me again.


"Turn her over, carefully, she's bleeding." I cried out when someone picked up my heavily bruised body.

"Was she raped Cain?"

There was a long pause. "Yes, and considering the blood I'd say whoever it was wasn't very gentle. Bring her over and wrap her in the blanket,"

I was suddenly warm and placed on something fluffy. "When she wakes up we'll run a bath and figure out who we have to kill."

I slipped under into the darkness again.


I turned over tired and slowly opened my eyes and sat up. I looked around the unfamiliar room and frowned in confusion.

Suddenly I remembered.

A scream quickly escaped my chapped lips and loud footsteps came to the door.

"Echo, how are you little dove?" Dr Cain asked me gently. I burst into tears and gripped his shirt needing something - someone to hold onto.

"It's okay, it's over now." He held me tightly and stroked my hair gently.

"W-why would he d-do that to m-me?!" I sobbed and pushed my face deeper into his neck.

"How about a bath? Would that make you feel better?" I nodded and he picked me up and brought to a tub. He set me on the toilet gently.

He turned  on the bathtub and then looked back at me. "Would you like help?" I nodded and lifted my arms.

He gently took off the shirt they had put on me to conceal my nakedness and put me into the warm water.

I wasn't concerned about him seeing me undressed, I didn't care about much actually.

I heard a knock and looked up to see Quinn. "Who did this to you?" I took a deep breath.

"D-Damian," I choked out and began crying again.

"Don't worry little dove, we'll kill him," Dr Cain soothed and stroked my hair.

Dr Cain grabbed a cup and dumped water on my body gently, blood went into the water and off my skin. I winced seeing how bruised I was.

"Quinn could you find some clothes for Echo?" Quinn nodded and left quickly.

Dr Cain diligently rubbed the blood off my skin and washed my hair before pulling me out and wrapping me in a fluffy towel.

"Here are some clothes, my sister left some from last week." Quinn said and handed Dr Cain the clothes.

I was dressed and then carried to the living room like a princess. Levi and Dr Cain brought me carefully between them with a fuzzy blanket.

They wrapped their arms around me, simply letting me know they were there. Joey came down and put on a Disney movie and I closed my eyes listening to the girl sing.

"It will be okay," I felt a gentle kiss placed on my head and I fell into a deep sleep.

Is it weird that I cried last night writing this?

I just get super emotional when I do these scenes.

Also, I would like to know everyone's favorite and least favorite character. If that's possible.

Thanks for reading! 😉

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