Chapter 2

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  Chapter 2

I stretched and got up grinning seeing Logan still lying beside me.

I stroked his sleeping face and he smiled in his sleep. Shaking my head I stood and tip toed into the twins room.

"Mommy!" Mia cheered looking up from playing with her dolls. She smiled in her crib reaching for me.

"Hey girlie," I simply stroked her head and moved to Theo's crib.

He stared up at me, blue eyes wide. "How are you bud? Ready to get up?" He reached for me, but didn't move in any other way.

He had only smiled once, and that was at Logan. Mia however was already starting to speak and smiled and laughed all the time.

I loved them the same, but couldn't help but be concerned. "Alrighty, let's go." I carried them both down stairs set them in their boosters.

I turned on the tv and flipped to the news to see if they were talking about the guys yet.

"They seem to be unstoppable, we will be calling for more than just local police enforcement shortly."

A short video of Elijah played making me wince, he wasn't killing anyone, but was simply destroying things.

"Daddy!" Mia gushed pointing at the tv, she began bouncing and giggling. I turned off the tv sighing.

I walked to the fridge groaning when I remembered I didn't go shopping yesterday, no baby formula.

So I cut up some strawberries in small pieces and placed it in front of them. I turned to make my own breakfast.

"No!" Mia shouted making me turn around. Mia took Theo's food shaking her head wildly when Theo tried to eat.

Theo frowned and gazed at his sister in anger, an expression really no child his age should have.

Mia let out a wail of pain, there was no doubt in my mind that Theo was hurting her somehow with his ability.

"Theo no!" I told him sharply. Mia instantly calmed sniffing, tears still running down her rosy cheeks.

"Don't take you're brothers food." I told Mia just as sharply.

Theo began to cry, which made Mia giggle.

I moved Mia away from him and gave Theo his food hoping that would calm him.

"Everything okay?" I smiled at Elijah. "Yup, just some sibling drama, which reminds me I need to go to the store later."

He frowned. "That's probably not a good idea."

"What's not a good idea?" Damian asked walking down with Logan behind him.

"I need to go to the store for baby formula." I told them and went about making some breakfast for Jonathan and I.

"Just breast feed them," Damian told me grinning.

"No thank you." I told him shaking my head.

"Why not? From what I've seem you're in prefect condition to do it." I stared at Logan raising an eyebrow.

Elijah cleared his throat. "Uh, yeah," Damian laughed and shook his head.

"Man the mental images I'm getting right now are perfection." I wrinkled my nose.

Logan smirked. "You have no idea,"

I rolled my eyes and ate my breakfast. "We'll go to the store for you," Elijah offered.

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