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  Chapter 23

"Echo did you like the movie?" Joey asked me smiling. I nodded and yawned tired again.

"Let's get you to bed little girl," Dr Cain picked me up and carried me bridal style to the bedroom.

"Do you think-" he placed a finger on my lips.

"Hush, sleep."

Frowning I laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

I rubbed my temples and looked around the dark room.

I was exhausted, but I didn't feel like sleeping. I sighed and thought of the guys.

I... I missed them... I missed them a lot.

I felt tears make there way down my cheeks.

Why did Damian do that to me? Honesty, if that's all he wanted from me... That's all he will get.

I don't want to see him ever again.


I rolled over with a yawn. Sitting up I rubbed my eyes and looked at the time. Six thirty.

I walked over to the bathroom and felt nausea suddenly take over me.

I fell to my knees at the toilet and threw up harshly. When I was done I gasped for breath and rinsed out my mouth with water at the sink.

I took a shower scrubbing my body.

I dried myself and put some clothes on before tip toeing into the hall.

I moved to the living room and my eyes widened when I saw Jace sleeping on the couch. I hesitated before sliding next to him touching his face gently.

"Mmmm, Echo?" Jace opened his eyes and stared at me.

"I missed you," I murmured and hugged him tightly.

"Echo... I, I missed you too." I closed my eyes and rested next to him.

"What happened Echo? What did he do?" My body froze and my breathing grew more difficult.

"He- he wouldn't stop, I told him to stop I -"

"Shh, shh," Jace soothed gently and hugged me to him.

"I- I'm scared," I admitted burying my face in his neck.

  "I know... I am too, we'll figure it out together, it will be okay." I shuddered and heard footsteps.

"Are you taking her home today?" Quinn.

"Yeah, I'm taking her home," I panicked and pushed myself away from Jace horrified.

"No!" Jace winced and looked at me calmly. "You don't need to be scared, everything is going to work out."

Jace stood and motioned for me to come to him. I shook my head terrified.

"Come on Echo, I don't usually do this shit, Logan does, but if I need to drag you to the car I will."

My. Heart. Was. Beating. So. Hard.

As soon as Jace sighed and reached out to grab me I bolted. I was stopped by Jace grabbing my hips as gently as possible.

"No, don't," I pleased trying to get free. Quinn flinched and looked away from my panicking form.

"You don't have to be scared, no one is going to hurt you," Jace promised as I kicked and fought him.

"That's what Damian said before he raped me!" I shouted and began sobbing.

"Good luck, we'll be in touch," Quinn promised and Jace pulled me out the front door.

"Let me go," I begged. Jace just shook his head and buckled me in when I didn't move.

I tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge.

Child lock. Dammit.

"Just Relax," Jace soothed. I shook my head and grew more and more panicked as we grew closer.

Jace parked and opened my door unbuckleing me quickly.

I hid my face in his neck as he carried me inside. I knew I was still crying, just softer now.

"Echo," I lifted my head at Elijah's deep voice. Jace loosened his grip and I flew into his arms.

"Moon missed you," Elijah whispered in my ear and I grew calm at his warm touch.

"Where is Logan?" I asked softly and peeked up from where I had buried my head on his chest.

"He's... taking care of some things..." I nodded and relaxed completely.

"I'm going to make you something to eat," Jace announced.

"Thank You," I told him and slid down from Elijah's protective hold to pet Moon who instantly responded purring loudly.

"What do you mean I can't go fucking down stairs?!" I froze and shivered hearing Damian yell angrily.

"Hey, Echo, look at me," I looked up at Elijah breathing hard.

"There's something we need to tell you baby..."

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