Elijah's return

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  Chapter 13

I sat on my bed, hands on my lap.

I couldn't stop crying.

It felt like my heart was just torn out of my chest.

What they say and do shouldn't matter, they. Are. killers!

But somehow it does... for some odd reason their happiness matters to me.

And it scares me.

Eventually I cried myself to sleep.

The wind whistled through my hair.

I looked up at the bleeding stars.

"Echo," I jumped up and looked around.

"Leave me alone!" I screamed, his laughter made me realize he was behind me.

I was about to turn around when he pushed me down, he sat on my hips and forced my face to the ground.

I felt his lips on my ear, his voice was like honey.

"You are me and I am you, we are one and the same and yet so very different. I could feel your pain, since you are made from them your still connected, have no fear, I'll break them off soon."

I shivered and tried to pull free. "Get off me, your insane,"

"Your mine Echo Anderson, all mine. The world will be ours, and since they are too focused on themselves they will perish,"

His words made me panicked, I let out a scream, he flipped me over and I stared into his chaos filled gray eyes.

Lips landed on mine, making me twist and turn, desperate to get free of him.

"Wake up," cold fingers landed on my thighs making me jerk upright.

I was in my room, on my bed.

Everything is fine.

"What happened?" The kind husky voice asked, I looked up, Elijah.

"When did you get home?" I whispered.

He smiled. "Just now,"

Then I recalled what he was doing, I glared at him.

"You went out to kill people?!" His face fell at my angry tone, making me feel guilty.

"No actually, I was doing something else, if you'd like to see it," I nodded slowly and he took my hand and pulled me out to the living room.

I watched him pull on gloves and he reached into a box and pulled out a white kitten.

It instantly began purring and a soft meow came from the kitten.

"Oh my god, you got me a kitty?" I grabbed in and pulled the cat to my chest, it purred harder.

"Yup, she's only a few months old."

I smiled at my new pet and stroked her little head. "I name you Moon," Elijah scoffed.

"Your naming the cat Moon?" I nodded and looked outside. I pulled Elijah over to the window and pointed out.

"See? They look alike," he nodded. "Alright, Moon it is. Logan is going to be so pissed," my eyes widened and I looked up at him.

"You mean..."

Elijah laughed. "Logan has no idea,"

"Thank You Elijah, this means a lot," he smiled and grinned. "Your welcome, thankfully the new addition to our group it potty trained."

I walked to my room pulling Elijah with me, I sat on my bed and he slowly sat beside me.

"Stay with me, I- I had a bad dream and I'm scared," I played with the blanket as I said that, scared of being rejected.

Elijah stood and pulled of his shirt, I stared frozen as he pulled off his belt buckle and looked me in the eye as he slipped off his pants.

"I'll stay,"

He crawled beside me and Moon went to the opposite side of the bed and laid by my feet.

"Is it okay if I hold you?" I nodded and moved into his warm body.

Its been a long time since someone held me like this... I've missed the feeling of being cherished.

I drifted off and woke up to a loud noise, a noise I soon learned to be purring. I sat up, Elijah was gone, but his scent remained on my pillow.

He had just left, his side is still warm.

"Alright Moon, let's go hunting for food,"

I cradled the purring kitten in my arms and stepped out to the kitchen. I placed Moon by her food and started making my own breakfast.

"What the holy fuck is that?" Logan shouted staring at the kitten rolling at his feet begging for attention.

"Omg!" Damian screeched and grabbed the cat hugging her too his face. "Welcome to the family little girl," he cooed staring into the cats blue eyes.

I was still beyond angry about yesterday, but couldn't help but smile at Damian. "Oh hell, it's a cat," Jace said and grabbed the kitten.

He stroked her tummy and she purred loudly.

"Who did this?!" Logan demanded making me freeze and look up at him.

"What you don't like the cat?" Elijah asked, stepping down from the stairs.

"Of course I don't! Look at it! It's hideous!" I moved over and grabbed the cat from Jace.

"Moon is adorable," I squeezed her and Logan walked over to touch Moon.

As soon as his fingers touched her fur she hissed and bit his finger. Logan pulled back with a loud curse.

Damian walked over and stroked her head, making her purr loudly. "We don't like him do we? No we don't," he murmured to the cat.

"Wait so she likes death, but not me?" Logan demanded.

"Your an asshole, cats know these things, it's like a power they have," Jace said laughing.

I went back to making my food as Jace and Damian fussed over Moon.

I made eggs with cheese and some toast. I sat down to eat it and watched outside the window longingly.

I tuned out to their laughter and thought back to my dream. Somehow I knew that man was real.

He had been talking about the guys, he wants to kill them and take over the world.

I looked back at them, talking, laughing and couldn't help but think of what I said last night.

What if they are meant to save the world, and their just hell bent on destroying it?

"Lily," I looked up at Jace and gave him a questioning look.

"What's wrong?" He asked me, suddenly I felt the rest of them look at me.

"N-nothing, I'm fine."

"You look scared, you scream in your sleep, and your not fucking fine, what's wrong?"

"Chaos," I whispered.

"What?" Jace murmured back, everyone had frozen.

"He's coming and he wants to kill you,"

Lol for some reason it said I "made a new story"

When it's literally this story. Again.

My followers must be so confused lmao.

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