Secrets unfolded

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Chapter 38

Jonathan's pov

I gazed down at the crying baby and looked behind me at Chaos who was sitting at his desk working.

"Why is he crying?" I asked worried.

"He just misses his mother." It was a brief firm reply, one that told me the time for questions was over.

"May I bring him to Echo?" Chaos turned around and looked at me.

"Fine. But remember the rules." I nodded. "Yes sir." I picked up Theo and carefully made my way out the door.

After making my way down the hall Theo calmed and looked up at me.

I kept my head straight afraid if I looked at him the wrong way he would cry again.

He let out a soft coo making me look down. He touched my face and the world went black.


I gasped and looked around, I was shocked to see I was in Mia and Theo's room.

"Open your mouth love, or I'll hurt you... Or maybe I'll hurt-"

I turned at the voice and saw Chaos forcing Echo against the wall.

"Kiss me Echo, don't make me ask for something again,"

Echo looked sick, I watched horrified.

What is this?!

Echo broke away from him, pale and gasping.

Chaos stroked her thighs and I reached out to somehow stop him, to help Echo, but I just went through them.

I held my stomach as Chaos forced more kisses on her.

Theo let out a sharp cry making Chaos ease back. Echo fell to her knees and threw up.

I heard people on the stairs, making their way over here.

"I'll see you later Echo," She kept her face down panting.

I heard a whoosh and looked up, Chaos was gone.


Jace walked in, Echo stumbled. "What happened?"

Jace quickly held her to him. Echo began to cry.

"Are you okay?"


I gasped jolted into the present. "What was that?" I asked Theo who just looked at me.

I walked faster to Echo's room, terrified of what else he could show me. I opened the door and relaxed seeing Echo.

She looked up at me. "Theo!" She gasped and ran over taking him from me.

Echo hugged him tightly and I looked away jealous of how I knew Theo would grow up.

Loved, with a mother.

After a few minutes I shuffled nervously. "Did... did Chaos ever hurt you?" Echo looked up startled.

"What?" I frowned. "Did he hurt you?"

"Other than him ordering my kidnapping, possessing Damian, and almost raping me, no."

My eyes widened. "And Theo made him stop, right?" Echo winced.

"Not really, he just started crying, but how did you...?" I looked at Theo.

"I'll see you later, bye Echo,"

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