Songs of the night

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        Chapter 3

Jace smiled and handed me some juice and a sandwich.

I took a bite and his eyes filled with light humor.

"You know, it's rude not to say Thank You when someone gives you something," I looked up at him.

"It's also rude to kidnap, kill, and torture people, human culture." I mocked.

Jace sighed and stood. "Your right. I'm sorry. Do you want some coffee? It's mid-morning now, you fell unconscious last night, not real sleep so you must be tired."

"Yes pl-" the word quickly died on my tongue and I grabbed my head wincing as my skull pounded in sudden pain.

"Woah, why don't you rest, I'll get you some coffee, don't try anything, I'll know." I sat on his bed tense as I waited.

His room was a light gray, pictures of sunny farms hung nearly on the wall.

My mind went back to the strange women Jace had killed.

She called him famine, why?

"Here you are! Some hot coffee!" I took it from his hands and slowly took a sip.

"So... any family?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Are you going to try to kill everyone I know?"

Jace took the coffee from my hands suddenly and grabbed my face.

"Depends, does everyone else in your family rape you for fun?" I gasped and turned my face away.

"Shit, I'm sorry Lily... Logan wanted to know if anyone would be looking for you," I flinched.

So that's why he's being friendly, good cop bad cop.

I didn't look at him, for a few minutes he just watched me before sighing.

"I'll talk to you later Lily, I'm sorry but I have to tie you up."

I was gently tied to his bed, at least this time I was sitting up.

He hesitated and didn't gag me, then brushed his fingers across my cheek.

Sparks erupted through my whole body, I shuffled back terrified.

Jace stared at me in wonder.

"That... feels good," he laid his hand on my neck and a soft groan came from his lips as the feeling traveled along his skin.

I broke away shaking my head. His breathing slowly calmed again and he looked at me one last time before walking away seeming shocked.

My eyes grew heavy and I fell into a deep sleep.

Flames everywhere.

I looked up and saw the most amazing stars I had ever seen.

I reached out to touch them, they seemed so close, but my hands passed through the air.

Suddenly I heard the most beautiful voice I had ever heard, a man was singing.

Come into the darkness

This is where you belong

Such a beautiful chaos

An unforgettable song

Jump into the fire

Let go of your fears

Just remember

This is where you are

Welcome to your home

Among the stars

I screamed unable to comprehend why.

I gasped my eyes snapping open, I grabbed my ears trying to stop the horrible ringing.

"No, no no," I whispered inhaling sharply.

"Lily? Are you okay?"

"Why is the girl screaming this time?"

"Stop, make him stop," I said softly trying to force the voice out of my head.

I was untied, I sagged forward.

"What is going on in here?" Logan demanded walking in.

"She was screaming," Elijah said flatly.

I clung to Jace who held me, I ignored the wonderful sparks we made.

"I thought I said she was to be gagged?"

Jace laughed. "Must have slipped my mind,"

I hung onto Jace tighter when someone touched me. "Turn around sweety," Jace murmured and turned me over so my back rested on his chest.

"Why were you screaming?" Elijah asked me staring into my eyes.

"Bad dream?" He questioned.

I nodded. "What was it about?"

I stared at him unsure.

"What are you? A fucking therapist?" Damian asked causing me to retreat closer to Jace.

I closed my eyes. I was done. Just done.

"Elijah take the girl with you until we get the room cleaned."

Jace instantly protested until Logan told him he was done dealing with him questioning orders.

Cool gloves touched the skin of my arm, I looked at Elijah's gloves skin curiously.

"Can you walk?" I nodded quickly and stood, ignoring the eyes of the other men as Elijah led me up another flight of stairs.

Elijah's room was yellow, I looked at the walls, they were plain.

"Just sit there and don't fucking move." I sat on a chair and stared at him.

He got on a tablet and typed quickly. Loud taps echoed in the large room.

"What are you working on?" After a few more loud angry minutes of typing he looked up.

"I'm writing a book," I stood and warily made my way over to him, his eyes dared me not to stop.

Something about him intrigued me, just as much as it scared me.

"What is it about?" His lips lifted up slightly.

"A man." He paused, I sat beside him slowly on the couch.

"He's a ghost, can't touch or feel, can never know the warmth of another soul." He looked off into the distance.

"Is he sad?" He looked at me and laughed. "Very, and there's nothing he can do, he's trapped in a destiny of bad events he can't stop."

"Will it end well?" He sighed.

"No. In the end he moved on... leaving this sad world behind... with nothing."

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