Bonus Chapter, Behind The Scenes

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The story behind Jonathan

Alright so I wanted to tell everyone how the character "Jonathan" was made.

But first a little background.

I have a brother who I go to too tell my story ideas to, I told him about my book, and his first words were,

"That's really dark, are you sure you should be writing that?"

I simply laughed. While we talked he decided we needed someone to brighten things, and so the character "Jonathan" was born.

We decided he needed to be,

* Innocent beyond belief

* Funny to make life happier

Have you ever read a comment where someone said "No one is pure on wattpad."

Well my brother is, he's beyond innocent, in fact, the character "Jonathan" is literally based off my brother, they are one in the same.

The only problem was he made no sense to the plot, I told him I should make him Hope's son, and he is working for Chaos.

He disagreed and said this.

"Jaden, I don't want to hurt anyone."

I agreed and so Jonathan had no idea of Chaos's real intentions.

The reason behind the parents in my books.

If you've ever read any of my other books you'd know none of my main Characters have good parents, they are either dead or abusive.

The reason for that is I honestly don't believe in perfect families.

My mom and dad got a divorce when I was a baby, by then I had two older brothers.

When my mom remarried the guy decided to move back to where his parents lived twelve hours from where my family was.

He's emotionally abusive, and I truly believe if he wasn't a Christian he would hit me.

I was once suicidal, which is why I made Echo that way in the beginning.

The one relief I have is my older brother and writing.

When I discussed the reason behind all the dark things in my book, and how I once almost committed suicide he told me to stop writing my book.

He was scared it was hurting me, mostly because I cried while writing a few scenes.

Honestly I told him no, and that's why we started making the character "Jonathan"

I can't not tell in words how much my brother has helped me.

When it's warm we go for a walk in a graveyard near our house and discuss our books.

The reason behind the guys at John's Rainbows.

Okay so I believe if you love someone, no matter the gender to go for it.

My parents believe it's evil and wrong.

(Fuck my parent's)

So I made them a happy couple, like anyone else.

I made my stand.

My family has no idea what I write about besides my one brother and he doesn't know I write revere harems.

If anyone found out I would never see a screen again. (Pray for me)

Why did I add the twins?

I don't know why.

Maybe it was because of my love for children,

and it brought Damian and Echo together, finally! Ugh that stubborn asshole.

I had everyone all line up in a row, and then Damian decided to get all jealous and get possessed. *sigh*

It worked out though.

What was the purpose behind this book?

I started wattpad about a year a go, started really writing maybe six months ago?

I read a few books and saw a few comments like this,

"Omg read this book like six times,"

"Hey author I'm reading this for the third time!"

I... I wanted to be able to write something where people came back for more... I wanted someone to say they were proud of my work.

I was discouraged at first, I wrote a few things and hated them... I got rid of them and started writing "Little Rain"

I wrote a for awhile and got a very long comment about how amazing my work was... I couldn't believe it!

I was beyond proud of myself.

Now I look back and I wince and think of all the stories that are So much better than mine.

But then I remember that it doesn't really matter who has the best book, it matters that people enjoy it, that I enjoyed writing it.

I wrote this book to show the side of myself that saw the world as a darker place.

Why did Jonathan say, "I am your father." At the end of chapter 36?

I was walking with my brother in the graveyard discussing what I was going to do next.

My brother was all the sudden like, "What if he said, I am your father, to freak them out?"

I did it, because it's fucking hilarious.


If anyone has any questions I'll be happy to answer! Thanks for reading!

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