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We have 30 minute drive to physical therapy today. They have to do construction on our street so we have to go all the way around town. It's weird. I walk into the bedroom. "Ben!" He's still getting ready. I look on the bed and he's gone through about 10 shirts. I walk over to him. "You look good!" I tell him. "I won't pass." He whispers. I grab him a shirt I know he likes and looks good in. "Here." He throws it on and I help him button it. "You look good." He smiles. "We have to go." I tell her. "Ch-." I stop myself. "It's ok." He whispers. "I already got your attention so let's go." We go to the car. "Do you want to drive?" I ask quietly. "I don't really have a license right now." I nod. "Right." He's getting his name changed and everything which means his license is getting changed. I sit in the drivers seat. Ben sits next to me. I take a deep breath. "Everything will be ok?" He tells me. "It's not that bad especially since it's your hand and you just need to go a few times. Trust me. It's better than after knee surgery. I haven't recovered from that." He smiles. "That's why you have the limp!" I sigh. "Why else because I wanted one? I told you I broke my knee pretty much in half." I drive off. "Sorry I just didn't think anything of it." I laugh. "It's fine!"

"Babe!" I shake Ben. He jolts awake. "What? Where are we?" He sits up. "We're at the rehabilitation center for my arm. Did you sleep last night after the nightmare?" He shakes his head. "Oh." He gets up and we go in. Everything goes fine actually I just don't want to ever do this again. Ben stepped out for a minute and I wanted to talk about it. After we decided to go to sweetwater because well, why not. I sit next to my amazing boyfriend. I look over at him and something is wrong. "Red." He looks at me. "What's wrong?" I ask moving hair out of his face. "The dream." He tells me. "It's stupid. But it's just weird I haven't had a dream like that in months and all of a sudden, it hits me. It's nothing. There isn't much you can do about it." He tells me. "Well we can get some food." I suggest.


Toni raps her arm around my shoulder. "I have a question." She announces. "Ok." I laugh nervously. "Why Benjamin?" She ask as we walk to the concession stand at Sweet Water. "Because I want to be known as a famous butler." I joke. "What?!" She stops. "I don't know. It seems like a butler name. But honestly. I went into a name generator and picked one I liked. It was Ben or Alex." I answer her question. "Ok." She smiles. "Why?" I ask quietly. "I don't know we just never really talk about it and it popped into my head." We walk to the cashier. "Hello my name is Rebecca. What can I do for you today?" She smiles. "Ahh. Can I get two Hot Dogs with everything on it. What about you?" I ask Toni. "Make that four." She smiles. "And a Cheese burger with just cheese. And some Pop corn. And a Large Soda." I tell her. Toni looks at me. "What? Testosterone makes me hungry!" Toni rolls my eyes. "I'll have a small Soda. That's all." Toni pays and we wait for our food. Once it comes out we go back to where we were sitting. "You sure you can eat all that?" Toni ask me as I start eating. "Yeah." I smile. She just looks down and smiles.

"No!" I shoot up. I look over and Toni isn't there. I'm confused until I realize she had work late. I take a deep breath trying to calm myself down. I pick up my phone and call Veronica. "Pick up pick up pick up pick up!" I whisper to myself. "It's almost 2. What is so important?" I tell her the situation and she'll be here in a minute. There's a knock on my door about 10 minutes later. I open it. "I can as soon as I hung up." We go to the living room and talk about everything. "Are you seeing a therapist?" She ask quietly. "Yeah actually. I can't call her in the middle of the night." Veronica agrees. "You're right." She smiles. "You feeling better?" I nod. The front door opens and Toni walks in looking like hell. "Toni!" I get up and sit her on the couch. "What happened?" I ask quietly. "I umm... do you have anything to eat? Like Cheetos?" She ask ignoring my question. "Can you grab her something?" I ask Veronica. She nods and grabs something for Toni. I turn on a light to get a better look at her. "Baby. What happened?" I ask quietly. She laughs a little. "Hehe. I got a contact high!" She cups my cheek. "Really?" I ask quietly. "Yeah ask Drew." I look at her confused. "Fangs." She reminds me. "Right." My voice cracks. "Damn!" She smiles.

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