One Day Maybe

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"Dad?" I break the silence. "Yeah?" He ask quietly. "You and mom should really fix everything." He nods as we pull into the hospital. We go inside and mom is waiting for us. "How is he?" I ask immediately. "He's ok. He's still resting. He wants to see you." I nod. "What room?" I ask quietly. "His regular room he's back in there." Mom tells me. I start to go but she stops me. "Just know he's not mentally there." She tells me. "He's completely out of it and he's gonna be for a while." I nod. "Yeah." I go to see him. I knock on the door. He looks at me. "You ok?" I ask cautiously. He nods slowly. "My lips feel funny." He laughs a little. "Yeah you're doped up on some serious shit." He smiles. "Hell yeah man!" He giggles. "Jason?" He looks at me. "Dani?" He smiles. "Why did you do it?" I ask quietly. "Because I thought it would be funny." I roll my eyes. "Jason look at me." I cup his cheeks. He doesn't look at me. "Jason?" He shakes his head. "I don't want to talk about it." I nod. "Ok." He pokes my face. "How- how is Ian?" He ask quietly. "He wants to see you. He's coming up next week." He shakes his head. "I'm can't have visitors that aren't family." He whispers. "Ok, I'll tell him." He nods. "Cool." He nods smiling like an idiot. Dad walks in. "Hey man." Jason smiles. "How are you feeling bud?" Dad ask quietly. "Great baby." Jason flirts. "This is our father!" He smiles. "Hell yeah." I look at dad. "You are high!" Dad jokes. "I'm tired." He whispers. "So take a nap." I whisper. "Yeah- yeah. I- I'll go." Jason quickly falls asleep mumbling about being tired. "How's mom doing?" Dad ask quietly. "How about you ask her." I say bitterly. "You're right. Come on let's give him some space." I get up and we go out of his room. "You two should catch up." I walk away and go to the cafeteria. I take a deep breath. "Are you weird like my brother?" Some kid pulls my shirt. "What?" I look at the young girl. "Are you weird like my brother." She ask like it was nothing. "You're brother isn't weird." I tell the girl. "He's just different." She nods. "Cool!" The girl walks away. "What?" I look confused. "That was weird." I whisper to myself. I grab some food and walk back to my parents. "So? Are you guys back together?" I ask smiling. "No." Mom says. I nod. "Ok. The longer it takes you to fix everything the longer Jason is like this and we all know that." I sit down next to mom. "How is he doing?" She ask quietly. "He tried to flirt with me." Dad says almost ashamed. "So are you guy all caught up?" I ask quietly. "Sure." Dad smiles. "I'm gonna go check on Jason." Mom gets up abruptly and leaves. Dad sits next to me. "Here." I hand him some chips. "Some kid asked if I was here because I was weird like her brother. Kids are weird." I open my soda and drink it. "Yeah. Having two little kids is even weirder." He smiles looking at me. "You and Jason were an interesting duo." He whispers. "You guys still are. You're kinda what everyone wishes they had as siblings. Trust me. My brother and I had a similar relationship except the other way around." He explains. "Please protect him at all cost." He tells me. "It's not supposed to me my job." I whisper. "I'm not his mom." I say look at him. "Wow crazy concept, neither am I!" He says sarcastically. "But you're is father and you are my father too. You've lost your brother so it would really really suck if the same thing happened to me right?" I push. "I'm not going to shoot him in the head." He tells me. "He almost killed himself." I get up and walk to Jason's room. 

"Jason?" He looks at me. "Yeah?" He whispers weakly. "How are you feeling?" I ask quietly. "I'm better." He whispers. "Emotionally?" He shakes his head. "Not- not really. But I'm feeling more awake. But my head is still foggy." I nod. "Hungry?" I ask quietly. "Not really." He shrugs. "Can you try to eat something?" I ask quietly. He nods. I sit on his bed and open the jello. "I need a spoon." He looks at me. "Right!" I smile handing it to him. He slowly eats the Jello. "I don't like cherry." He whispers. "Are you are dads child?" I ask. "Y-yeah." He looks at me confused. "So you're gonna like cherry." We both smile. "What do you think is gonna happen with mom and dad?" He ask quietly. "I don't know." He nods.

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