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I look at all the baby pictures on the wall. We're at the doctors. I turn around and Toni's peaking. "Hey!" She stops looking at the folder. "You saw!" She shakes her head. "No I didn't." I feel like she's lying. "Really?" She nods. "You looked!" I insist. I walk over to her. "We were gonna wait." I whisper. "I didn't see anything! I couldn't find it." I still don't believe her but whatever. "Yeah ok."

"Haha!" I walk into the house I hear something going on in the kitchen. "Now we both know!" I walk into the kitchen. "What are you talking about?" Toni ask quietly. "We both the gender of our child now!" She sighs and walks over to me slowly. "Ben! I don't know!" She insist. "Yeah you do your just bull shitting me. You already know that we're having a girl." Her eyes widen. "A girl?" She ask happily. My face drops. "You actually didn't know." I look down. "It's fine. We're having a girl!" She kisses me. She hugs me. "I'm sorry I thought you knew." She shakes her head. "It's ok. We just have to act like we had no idea when she's born." We both laugh. "And we are going to support her on every decision she makes." I remind Toni. "No matter what. Unless it's stupid than we talk her out of it." I laugh. "Like getting a tattoo at 16." I say. "Eh." She looks at me. "I'm ok with piercings but until she's 18! Not tattoos. We've talked about this! And no serpents!" I insist. "Fine." We kiss. "Hey guess what?" She looks at me. I place my hands on her stomach. "I'm gonna be a dad in less than a month!" Toni rolls her eyes and walks out of the kitchen. "You're having leftovers!" She yells from the living room. "What about you?" I ask following her. "I'm having dinner with my dad!" She looks at me. "Why can't I come? He's opened up to the idea of me being trans!" She sighs. "Because-." She sighs. "Ben We've been over this." I nod. "Can you at least get something ready for me? I'll put it in the oven." I ask. I can't cook. I thought I could until I started dating Toni and I found out what actual food was. "I can help you make something." I nod. "Ok." She kisses me. "You really need to learn how to cook."

"Can I have my sweat shirt back?" Toni ask quietly. "Why it's not like you can wear it right now." I whisper. "Why Ben?" She ask sarcastically. "Because I'm gonna be a dad!" She rolls her eyes. I rub her belly. "I can't wait for you to be here!" I kiss her stomach. "You're so weird." She laughs. "I know." I kiss her. "Any day now." I rub her belly again. "Little Dani will be here." I smile. "We still need to decide who's last name we're going to use for her." Neither of us changed our last names when we got married. "I really think she should have your last name babe." She whispers. "There's already a Danielle Topaz." She tells me. "You sure?" I ask quietly. "In a heart beat." She rubs my cheek. "Also when are we getting that cat and dog and hamster?" She ask quietly. "I want to wait for Dani to be born to get a cat and when we have our second child we will get a dog." I smile. "What about the hamster?" She ask quietly. "Well, we can go tomorrow." I suggest. "Ok." She kisses me.

"No. I want that one!" Toni points at the smaller hamster. "No. That one." I point to the bigger one. "No that one is gonna be old and we won't have it as long. This one is a baby, we'll have it longer!" Toni smiles. "By like a month!" A Pet-co employee walks up to us. "Is there anything I can help you guys with?" He smiles. "We need to decide on what hamster to buy." I say. "Well you should probably get the baby one because he'll live longer. It's only by like a few months. Hamsters don't live that long." Toni looks at me. "Thank you!" She smiles. "He made both of our points!" I tells her. She looks at me in a look. "Baby one it is." He smiles and gets everything ready for us. "What will her name be?" I look at Toni. "Kyle!" I smile. The guy looks at me weird. "It's a girl..." I nod. "Thank you for stating the obvious."


"This is underwhelming." Ben says looking at the hamster. He looks at me. He steps closer to me. "You wanted a hamster!" I smile. "I didn't think she would be so boring!" I laugh a little. "Let the little guy get used to the cage." I put my hand over my stomach. "What's wrong?" He ask concerned. "I think I'm labor." He smiles. "I'm gonna be a dad!" He yells kissing me. "That is the last time I want to hear that from you!"

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