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I wish I had been with him sooner. Kyle, Ian and Jughead were in a car accident a few days ago. Kyle and Jughead died, Ian was the only one to survive. It had only been a month since Kyle and I got back together, everything was starting looking good and than the car accident happened. "Dani?" I turn to Jason. "Hey." I whisper. "You ok?" He ask quietly. "You've been staring out the window for 10 minutes." I wipe my tears. "Yeah." I nod. He walks over to me. "Dani?" I shrug. "I've been better." He sits down next to me. "How's Ian doing?" I ask quietly. "He's processing." He whispers. "Dad is talking to him right now." Ian has been staying here for since that night since we're now the only family he has at the moment and mom and dad are Kyle and Ian's god parents.


Ian walks into the kitchen. "Hungry?" I ask quietly. He takes a deep breath. "No." He sits down at the counter. "How you doing?" I ask quietly. He shrugs. "I still feel numb." He whispers. "Do you want to talk to someone?" I ask quietly. "Maybe. Just not right now." I nod. "Do you know when the funeral is being held?" He ask quietly. "No. I'm sorry kiddo." He looks down. "If you want to talk to me about losing your brother, I get it, we can talk." He smiles a little. "Thank you for letting me stay here."  I nod. "I don't know if this is possible. But I would like them buried next to my mom." He says nervously. "Toni and I are doing our best." He nods. "Do you know when you're going to go back to the house? To pick up stuff and what not." He shakes his head. "Not anytime soon." I can tell he doesn't really want to talk anymore. "Dani has some video game system. If you bother her enough and play the sympathy card she will let you use it." I say quietly. "I'm more of a book person." He says quietly. "What kind?" I ask quietly. "Fantasy." He says looking. I smile. "I think I got something for you." I say. "Give me a few minutes and I'll go grab you something you might like." I smile. He nods. "Nothing with murder or anything like that." I nod. "Of course." I smile. "Now do you want something to eat?" I ask quietly. "Jason and I were at Pop's earlier." He whispers. I look at him confused. "You were at work and Toni said we could." I nod. We don't let Jason leave the house without permission. He's had to many times where he's wondered the streets and almost died. "Why after this last time everything happened with Jason have you been really strict with what he can do?" He ask nervously. "Because we've had to many times where he's done something stupid and I really don't feel like finding his body. And to many times he's been unsupervised and almost killed himself." I explain. "I know we are all worried about you at the moment but please make sure he's keeping himself sane." I tell him. "I will." He nods. "Come on." We go into my office. I grab my stool and pull a book down. "Here." I whisper. "You're father wrote these. He kept them here when he went to college and never picked them up." Ian looks at them. "There's everything." I tell him. "Also he has had the same password on his computer and I believe Toni has that information if you want to go through his computers. If not you're smart you can probably figure it out." I smile. "Do you have any of his computers?" Ian ask quietly. "No but Toni does I think." I tell him. He nods. "Thank you." He whispers. "Of course." I smile. "I get what you are going through." He looks at me. "It might not feel like it but it gets better." He nods. "T-thank you." He says again. "Of course. You're a good kid, you don't deserve any of this." I tell him. "Kyle and I had gotten into a fight before the car accident. Luckily the last thing I said was that I was sorry." He tells me. "We were out for dinner and got into a stupid argument and luckily we forgave each other." He whispers. "Ah. Dinner should be ready in a few go bother Jason or something." I smile. "I don't get why Dani hates you." He whispers. "I haven't been there when I needed to be." I say. "Why?" He ask quietly. "Surgeries, trauma." I whisper. "It's not important right now." I say with a oddly calm voice.

"What are we gonna do?" I ask Toni. "We're gonna take care of him!" She stands up and looks out the window. She slowly turns back around. "I made a promise to Jug to take care of his kids if something happened to him. And something did. I'm a Serpent, it's my job to take care of Ian." She whispers holding back tears. "If you won't do I will do it myself." She says. "Who said I wasn't gonna take care of him?" I ask quietly. She looks down. "We're taking care of him. That's for sure. But he needs help. He's really traumatized Toni." She nods. "You're the only person he trust to talk to though." She whispers. "Why?" She takes a deep breath. "You lost the most important thing to you." She tells me. "You know what he's going through." I look out the window and see the three of them outside playing around. Dani is about to throw Jason into the pool. "Shit!" I get up and open the window. "Dani! Don't throw your brother into the pool!" I yell. "It's November!" She stops. I close the window and sit back down. "How do you think Dani is taking this?" Toni ask quietly. "Better than I thought she would."

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