2 years later

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I moan loudly. "Ben!" I ride him faster. He never got surgery. He realized it would be to much emotionally. "I'm gonna cum!" I moan. "Mom!" We both stop as Jason walks in. "Jason!" Veronica picks him up. "What did I say? We were not bothering mommy and daddy right now." She closes the door. "Come on. Let's go play with Jessie." Betty and Veronica adopted their son Jessie who's the same age as Jason. Ben and I catch our breaths. I lie my head on his shoulder. "I thought they left." He whispers. "I did too." I whisper. He lies back. I get off him. "You ok?" I ask quietly. He shakes his head. "It's us." He confesses. My heart drops. "You don't want a divorce right?" He shakes his head. "Never! Oh my god never!" He tells me. "We need a vacation." He smiles. "The kids need it too." I nod. "Yeah."

We walk into the hotel room. "Mommy look!" Dani pulls me to the window. We decided to go to Disney and Universal. "It's spider man." I look outside and see a guy dressed as spider man. "Wave!" I smile. She waves happily. "Toni!" Ben calls from our room. We got 2 room with a connecting door. "I'll be back." I walk into our room. "What?" He looks horrified. "What did you forget?" I ask. He takes a deep breath. "My testosterone." I take a deep breath. "It's ok!" I reassure him knowing he's on the brink of a panic attack. "We can call your doctor and have her sent enough for the trip! You only need two doses! We're here for 2 weeks. Ok?" He nods. I take his hand. "Breathe. Everything is gonna be ok." I whisper. "How could I forget it?" He ask quietly. "Sit down." He sits on the bed. "Mommy!" Jason walks in. "One minute baby." I smile. "I'm hungry." I roll my eyes. "There's snacks in your bag!" I tell him. "I already eat them." I look down. "I'll be there in a second." He walks out. "Are you a hundred percent sure? Did you check everything?" He nods. I grab his bag and go through it. "No." I whisper and grab my suitcase. I open it and go through. I put my hand on it. "Here!" I hand the small bag to him. "I'm gonna feed Jason." I walk into the other room. "Bud!" He walks over to me. "There's a vending machine downstairs. Let's get you something. Dani hungry?" She nods. "Do you want something?" She looks at the small clock. "I'll wait for dinner." She smiles. "Ok. Dads in the other room if you need him." I look at her. She mods. "Ok." I take Jason's hand and we go downstairs. "Disney world." He smiles. "Yeah! Disney world." We go to the vending machine. "What do you want?" I ask quietly. There's not much he'll eat. "Chips." He whispers. "Ok." I buy some chips and hand them too him. I pick him up and we go back to the room.

"It's ok!" I kneel down to Jason. "I wanna go!" He yells. "Calm down." I cup his cheeks. "I wanna go!" I wipe his tears. "You can't bud. You're not tall enough." I whisper. "It's ok bud. Ok?" He nods calming down. "We'll come back to Disney soon! You'll hopefully be taller. Ok buddy?" He nods. "How about we get some ice cream." Jason shakes his head. "No?" I ask quietly. "I want pop corn." I nod. "Ok." I smile. I take his hand. We go to a small pop corn stand and get some over priced pop corn. He smiles and eats it at a small bench. "It's really loud." He lies into me. "I know bud." I move hair out of his face. He covers his left ear because his right is in my side. Ben and Dani come out smiling. Ben gives me a look. "I suggested ice cream but he said no." I smile. He smiles and picks Jason up. "Do you want to go on a ride?" He ask quietly. "Dani! Don't run off." I stop her. She looks at me.


"Ben." I jump a little looking at Toni. "What's wrong?" She ask quietly. "I miss her." I whisper. "Wow!" I look at her confused. "You went from telling your mother how much you wish she was dead to missing her." She stands next to me looking out at the fireworks that our kids somehow are sleeping through. Honestly unless me actually shake them awake or they wake up themselves, they can both sleep through anything. "What about it?" I ask quietly. "I'm proud of you." She whisper. "If it wasn't for you. I wouldn't have talked to her again." I kiss her. "Thank you." I whisper. "I saw the invitation. It was off on the side, from the rest." She smiles as I pull her close. "I have a off topic question." She whispers nervously. I look at her. "What?" I ask quietly. "Do you want another kid?" She ask nervously. "I need you to be honest." She whispers. "No." I confess. "Not. Not right now at least. We have our hands full." I whisper. She looks down. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "No! I just wanted to know." She smiles.

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