Second First Time

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"I've gotten you all riled up haven't I?" Ben nods. "Maybe." He smiles. "I love you." I kiss him. I sit on the counter of our bathroom. "I love you too." He smiles. He grinds against me. We make out for a few minutes. "Wait! Can we do this in the bedroom, I really don't want to do this in the bathroom. If that makes sense." I smile. "Of course." I kiss him. He picks me up and brings me into the bedroom. We lie down on the bed slowly. "Are you ok?" I ask quietly. He nods. He takes his shirt off along with mine and our pants. He kisses me. He makes himself hard. "This is still really weird." We both laugh quietly. "It's ok." I smile. He grabs a condom even though we don't really need it but honestly anything that will make him comfortable. "Be careful." I whisper. He nods slowly sliding into me. He looks down thrusting slightly. I cup his cheek. "It's ok." I whisper. He nods. "This is weird." He smiles. "Good weird or bad?" I ask. "Good!" He kisses me getting a little more comfortable. He thrust a little faster. "Baby!" He moans quietly. We both become a moaning mess. He reaches down to my clit and rubs it. "God!" I moan. "I'm gonna cum!" He whispers. "It's ok." I whisper. He groans loudly and cums. Obviously it's not much but still. He lies down next to me. "I feel like a teenage boy." He smiles. "You know your supposed to last more than a few minutes." He looks at me. "Really?" He slides the condom off and makes himself not hard. It's weird. He literally has a pump as balls. "How was it?" He ask concerned. "Better than I thought it would go." I smile. "I wish I did this sooner." He raps his arm around me. "You needed time." I kiss his jaw. "I need to get back to the gym." He looks at me. "You're fine." I whisper. He's always been jacked even before he transitioned. We both fall asleep slowly. Honestly I've never been happier. Ever since I met him i've been this happy.

I wake up to Ben tossing and turning. I try to calm him down but there isn't much I can do at this point. He shoots up with a loud gasp. "It's ok." I think I've said that a billion times to him. "You're ok." I whisper pulling him into a hug. "You're ok." I rub his back. We both lie down and he falls asleep. "It's ok. It was just a dream." I whisper.

I kiss Ben slowly. The kids are with Veronica and Betty. We're in the hot tub making out like teenagers. He pulls away. "You ok?" I ask quietly. "Yeah I just. I still don't really feel comfortable with having sex right now." He whispers. I can see the panic in his eyes. "It's ok! We don't have to do anything." I smile. "I know. I just really want to, but at the same time I really don't." I rub his thigh. He takes my hand and places it on his other thigh. "It's still pretty sore." He smiles nervously. "Sorry. But what do you mean?" I ask confused. He smiles. Something inside him switches. "I need to pee." He gets up and runs over to the pool house. He doesn't have much bladder control at the moment. I wait a few minutes and realize he's still in there. I go to the pool house. "Babe? You ok?" I ask knocking on the door. "Yeah." My head drops. "Is there blood?" I ask. There's a long pause. "Babe. Is there blood?" I ask again. "A little." Ben says almost embarrassed. "It's ok! Your doctor said that there will be a little blood for a few months." I remind him. "I know! But I thought I would be fine! I haven't dealt with it in a few weeks." I hold back my laughing. "It's ok!" I smile. "Did you go?" I ask quietly. "Yeah." He washes his hands and walks out. "I'm not 5." He whispers. "I know but I worry about you sometimes." I tell him. "Reasonable." He smiles. "Do you want to go back? I'm getting cold." I ask quietly. He smiles and we go back to the hot tub. He gasp. "I can send you dick pics now." I sigh. "You're right, you're not 5, you're 15." He looks down and laughs. "Can I?" He ask quietly. "Do you want to have a wife?" I ask looking at Ben. "Taking that as a no." I kiss his cheek. "I love you." He whispers. "I love you too. Forever." I kiss him. He looks down at his arm. They took skin from his thigh and left arm. "I miss my tattoo." He leans into me. I rap my arm around him. "Is that ever gonna property heal?" I ask quietly. "Probably not. But honestly I don't really care, the only time I have to worry about other people seeing it is at the beach but it's the least of my worries. The sun reflects off of me." He whispers. "Oh Ben. That's not that bad!"

Ben slides a condom on. "We really don't need those." I whisper. "I know. But I feel safer with it." He kisses my neck. I moan out. "Just fuck me." He smiles and slowly slides in. He looks down nervously to make sure he's doing it right. "This that ok?" He ask nervously. I nod cupping his cheek. "Stop being nervous." I whisper. He nods and thrust slowly. I moan in his ear. He panics for a second. "What?" I ask quietly. He looks down. "It's ok." I whisper reassuring him. "Do you want to stop?" I ask concerned. He pulls out and gets off me.


I walk into the bedroom after a long day at work. There's a box on my side of the bed. I go over and read the note

"I love you babe, but you need to practice."

I turn around and Toni standing at the door. "Open it." She smiles. I open the box and see a flesh light. I turn around. "Really?" She shrugs. "You really need to feel more comfortable. This might help." She walks in closing the door behind her. "I also go you some more lube." She whispers. "I love you too." I whisper. "Huh?" I show her the note. "Oh! Yeah!"

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