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Veronica and I are at Pop's because sometimes if she needs some extra staff or someone to blather at for an hour I come in a follow her around. I also come in if I need a few extra bucks. "Wait so what's going on?" She ask as we walk into the kitchen. I put the dishes away. "Toni and I are doing really well when it comes to communication and what not. Right?" She nods saying she's listening. "So that means something else isn't right between us." She looks at me confused. "What are you talking about?" She ask confused. "I'm gonna let you think about that for a second." I say. "Ben! Table 10." Betty says going into the back office. I go to bust that table. Once I do I walk back in Veronica has finally processed what I'm talking about. "You mean in bed!" She says the second I walk back into the kitchen. "Yeah!" I say. She helps me put the plates away. "Who thought of that?" She ask quietly. "Toni! She brought it up saying that our sex life was boring. Which it is!" She looks at me. "So why haven't you fixed that?!" She ask frustrated. "Because after that night in the ally, I really don't even want to have sex some nights." I say really quietly. "Toni isn't forcing you to do anything right?" I shake my head. "No! It's just I can't satisfy her." I whisper. "We've tried to make our sex life better but, just everything I've been through... I can't do it. Literally!" I tell her. Betty walks in. "Stop talking about your sex life and get back to work!" She gets mad. "Why is she so bitchy today?" I ask quietly. Veronica shakes her head. "Get to work!" Betty yells again. "Ok damn!" I yell.

"Babe?" Toni looks at me. "Can we talk?" I ask quietly. "Yeah." She walks into the bathroom where I am. "I was thinking about what you said." I say nervously. "You weren't thinking about it you were talking to Veronica really loudly." She smiles. "How-." Toni interrupts me. "Betty doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut sometimes." She whispers. "Ok before we go any further. Do you know what's going on with her? She has been really short fused lately." I ask quietly. She sighs. "We'll everything with Jughead and Kyle." She says really quietly only because Ian lives in this house and gets set off quickly. "She's been under a lot of pressure with the whole case. And her and Veronica are trying to have another kid and the treatment isn't working." She explains to me. "But back to what we were talking about. You were 'thinking.' That's where left off." She smiles. "You were right. But I'm really not comfortable with much." I tell her. "Tell what you'd be comfortable with." She moves closer to me making my breath hitch. "Well, nothing crazy or too weird not saying trying different stuff that might seam weird is is weird!" She smiles. "I know what you mean." She smiles. "Well?" I shrug. "I don't- I don't know." I whisper. "We can talk to about it later because I'm exhausted?" She nods. "Yeah." She smiles. There's a knock on the bedroom door. I go and open it. "Dani what's up?" I ask quietly. She doesn't say anything and starts crying. I immediately pull her into a hug. I take a deep breath.


I look over a Ben and he's staring down at his chest. "What?" I smile. "So you know how when I got surgery they took off my nipples?" He ask quietly. "Yeah..?" I look at him confused. "Do you think they but my nipples on wrong?" He ask. It's 3 o'clock in the morning and Dani just went to sleep after crying for about 2 hours. We're both delusional at the moment. "You're so weird." I smile. "I'm serious!" He smiles. "I know!" I kiss him. "Why does it matter though?" I ask tracing his jawline. He kisses me. "Because it 3 am." He giggles a little. "I love you." I whisper. Ben smiles. "I love you too. Always." I lean over him and turn off the light knowing he's not going to. "Always." I whisper.

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