I'm Gonna Be A Dad!

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I take a deep breath as I look down at the test. "Ben!" I yell excitedly. He runs in. "Is everything ok?" He ask panicking, I think he took that wrong. "I'm late, for the second time." He smiles knowing where it's going. "I took a pregnancy test... we're having a baby." He smiles. "I'm gonna be a dad!" He hugs me. "Oh my god!" He kisses me. "I'm gonna be a dad!"


I'm gonna be a dad! I'm gonna be a dad! Holy shit! I'm gonna be a dad! Did I mention that I'm gonna be a dad?! It's been a few weeks and we just told Toni's dad. I'm gonna be a dad! "Why are you so happy?" My mom ask as I walk into Pops with the biggest smile ever. I sit in front of her and hand her a box. "Toni was supposed to be here but she had something at work." I sit there impatiently. "She's pregnant?" Mom ask excitedly. I nod. "Yeah. But you can't tell anyone. The only other people that know are our doctor and Toni's dad. Only because she can easily have a miscarriage." She nods. "Just promise me something?" I nod. "Don't mess it up, like I did with you. Treat that kid with all the love you have." I nod. "I will." I smile. "I'm gonna be a dad!" I whisper. "I still can't believe it." I smile. "How long have you known?" Mom ask quietly. "Well Toni told me about a month ago. I think she knew before but didn't take the test. We confirmed with the doctor a week or so after. She's 3 months along." I clarify. "When are you actually going to tell people?" Mom ask excited. "When Toni can't hide it anymore. Which won't be that long." I smile. "What about names?" I play with the fork. "Well if it's a boy! Than Jason. If it's a girl! I wanted to name her Rose but I think Toni wants to name her Danielle." She looks at me confused. "That's her mom's name." Mom nods. "Ok." I take a deep breath. "Can I ask you something?" I look up. She nods. "What took you so long to reach out?" I ask quietly. "Honestly. I tried to sooner but you changed your name." I smile. "Right. That was a dumb question." I look down biting my lip. "I don't hate you. Not as much as used to at least." I confess. "I will never forget you for what you did. But I don't know how much longer I could have gone without you. I really needed you a few years ago." I tell her honestly. "Especially after Dad died." I whisper. She nods. "I know I'm sorry. But I didn't know how to handle Jason's death and that doesn't excuse my behavior at all. But when you were in high school that was my breaking point. Especially because you were so happy with Toni. Please be a better father than yours was."

"I'm gonna be a dad!" I cheer excitedly. I rub Toni's belly. "When are you going to stop saying that?" She ask quietly. "When this baby is born. Than you'll be hearing me say that I am a dad. Ok? And than if our child has a kid. You're putting up with me saying that I'm a grandpa and that I'm old as fuck! Oh I'm also a uncle!" I smile. She rolls her eyes. "And you're a aunt." Toni shakes her head and smiles. "I've never seen you like this. I thought the happiest you'd be was when you got started testosterone, than I was shown you after top surgery, than we got married, now this. This is why I love you." She pulls me into a kiss. "I love you too." I kiss her again. "Forever." She smiles. "If it's a girl we should name her after your mom." I whisper. "I thought you wanted to name her after Nana Rose?" Toni looks at me. "I was talking to your dad after the wedding. He told me how much you looked up to her as a kid. He told me everything about your mom. She must have been amazing." She nods and takes a deep breath. "We can go visit her." I suggest. "Can we?" I nod. "Anytime." I cup her cheeks. "That would be great." She smiles. "We should get some sleep." I take my shirt off. "Sleep not sex." Toni jokes. "I hate wearing a shirt." I smile. "Ok." She kisses me. We both lie down. I rap my arm around her and feel her stomach. "In a few months you'll be here with us." I whisper to the baby. I can't process how happy I am to be a dad. "Me and mommy are going to love you no matter what. Because I promised my mom. And I know she could kill me if she wanted to." Toni turns to me. "Just stop." She smiles. "I'm gonna be a dad!" I smile widely. "Ben." She whispers. "Toni." I grin. "You're a nut." She kisses me. "I'm your nut." I rap my arms around her. "Forever." She kisses me again. "I'm gonna be a dad." Toni groans and lies her head into my chest. We both start laughing. "I have to be up and 4 we need to sleep." She says her voice muffled because she herself in my chest. "You're scars healed well." She rubs them. "Can't really feel that." I whisper. "Still?! it's be like 3 years!" I shrug. "I can feel mostly everything, just not the scars and little patches which is a weird feeling." I smile. "But I rather have scars and no feeling than well... you know." She smiles sadly knowing I won't say boobs talking about myself. "It's ok." She cups my cheeks. "I'm really tired." She whispers. I open my arms and rap them around her. "Good night baby." I whisper. "Good night." She whispers. "I was talking about the baby because I'm gonna be a dad!" She groans. "Good night!" She turns off the light and we fall asleep. Well she falls asleep I stay up think. In a few months I'm gonna be a dad! This is little the happiest day of my life! Besides marrying Toni of course.

Toni sits next to me. "If you stop screaming about how you're gonna be a dad every 5 seconds. I'll do anything you want in bed." I look at her and smile. "Anything?" She rolls her eyes. "Nothing illegal! Or that could hurt the baby!" I laugh. "Well there is one fantasy I've had..."

"I'm not wearing this!" Toni says in the bathroom. "Come on I'm already dressed as Han!" She walks out in her sexy princess Leia costume. "I'm not doing this." She whispers. "Fine. I'm gonna be a dad!" I yell at the top of my lungs. "Ben." She rolls her eyes. "We don't even have to have sex we can go to comic-con and I won't yell every 5 seconds about being a dad." I suggest. "How about you forget what I said and also stop saying that every 5 seconds." She suggest. "One of the other. Unless you're actually uncomfortable with the whole thing than we can stop." She sighs. "I'm not uncomfortable like sexually. It's just the nerdiest thing you've ever done and it's just crazy." She pulls me into a kiss. I think you can guess where this went.

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