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I walk into my room and Ian is still sleeping. He's been sleeping through most of the day recently. I go and sit on the bed. "Babe." He jumps slightly. "Wha-what's up?" He ask rubbing his eyes. "We're all gonna head out for dinner at Pop's." I whisper. "I'm not hungry." He says putting his head on the pillow. "Can you at least come?" He takes a deep breath and nods. "I don't really want to go but I need to get out of the house." He sits up. I cup his cheek. "How are you feeling?" I ask quietly. He shrugs his shoulders. "I've been better, but I've been worse." I smile sadly. "That's good." He pulls me into a kiss. "I love you." He whispers. "I love you too." I kiss him again. "Thanks for opening your home to me." He says quietly. "It wasn't my idea." I tell him. He looks at me confused. "Not saying I wasn't gonna say you can stay here! It's just the second we found out what happened, mom said we had to take you in. No one really had a problem with that so it's not a big deal. Mom and Dad like you a lot and Dani was friends with you before we even met." He smiles. "I'm still great full." He plays with my hand. "You just need to promise me something." I look at him and nod. "Please don't end up in the hospital over the summer." I smile. "This is the first time in a while my meds are actually working and I don't feel completely numb." I tell him. "Maybe that's why you're a little too happy right now." He jokes. We both laugh a little. "Yeah." There's a knock on the door and mom comes in. "Hey! Someone's up!" She smiles. "We're about to leave, get changed. Both of you." She walks out. "Do you have a clean shirt?" He ask quietly. I get up and grab a shirt. "Yeah, it's gonna be big." I tell him. I throw him the shirt. He gets up. "Do you have anything smaller?" He ask quietly. I'm not a buff kid or anything, but Ian is really scrawny. He takes after Jughead. "Maybe." I find something. "It's old and made for a child." I pull out a really small shirt I wore when I was seven. "I hate you sometimes you know that right?" He smiles. "Love you two." I kiss him. I grab a shirt he can actually wear. "Here." I smile.

I take one of Ian's fries. "Really?" He smiles. I rap my arm on his shoulder. "Yeah." I smile. "You're annoying." He whispers. "I know." I kiss his cheek. I realize Dani is shooting daggers at us. "What?" Ian ask quietly. "You guys are gross." She whispers. "Thank you." I smile. "I'm done." She gets up and goes over to mom and dad at the other table. I take another one of his fries. "Maybe we should talk down on the PDA around her." I whisper. He smiles. "Yeah." He nods. "But I'm out! I'm gonna kiss you." He pulls me into a long kiss. I cup his cheeks and deepen the kiss. We pull away and both smile. "We should do that more than we do." He whispers. "Anything to make you feel better." He looks at me. "Anything?" He ask quietly. "To a certain existent." I remind him. "I was thinking a date? Tomorrow." He smiles. "What do you want to do?" I ask quietly. "Movie?" I nod. "Cool! We can decide when we get there because I didn't think you'd agree." I hate sitting down at watching a movie at the theater.


Ian walks into my office "You ok?" I ask him. "When can I go back to school?" He ask quietly. "Do you want to go back?" I ask look at him. "I need to get my mind off everything." I nod. "Well, you can go back next week." He nods. "Also I have a question." I pull out a envelope. "Who's Liam?" I ask quietly. "Me." I look at him confused. "I use my middle name." I nod. "Right you're a Jones." He smiles sadly. "Yeah." He whispers. "Have you talked to Jellybean?" He ask sitting up. I shake my head. "No, but Toni might have. That also might be her." I tell him. I hand it to him. "You ok?" I ask quietly. "Yeah." He nods. "Can you drive me and Jason to the movies?" He stands up. "Yeah when?" I ask. "In like ten minutes." He rubs his neck nervously. "A movie and that's it?" He nods. "Ok, just let me get ready." I get up and grab my jacket and stuff.


We're at the movies and I think if I sit here longer I might scream. All the Popcorn is gone, I've already went to the bathroom an unhealthy amount of times, I got a refill on my soda at least 3 times... I'm gonna scream. Can I scream in a movie theater? I look over at Ian. "Stop." He whispers eating his popcorn. "I can't sit any longer." I whisper back. "There's only a few minutes left." He kisses my cheek. "That guy is gay right?" I ask quietly. "No, he has a girlfriend." Ian smiles. "No he has a beard not a girlfriend." I insist. Finally the credits! We get up and leave. "He's gay!" I tell him. "No!"

I walk out of the bathroom. "You ok?" I look at Ian. He shrugs. "I have my moments." He whispers. "Everything is gonna be ok." I tell him. "I know." He takes a deep breath. I drop my towel. "Oops." I smile and look at him. He smiles. "I'm not in the mood." He whispers. "Worth a shot." I grab some underwear and put them on.

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