Back in Time

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"Does he know?" I ask quietly. "What?" Dani ask quietly. "Does Kyle know you had an abortion?" I ask again. "No. He didn't even know I was pregnant." She sits on my bed. "I never thought we would both get involved with the Jones." We both laugh. "Yeah." I smile. "Jason?" I look up at her. "Do you think if dad was emotionally stable we would have anymore siblings?" Dani ask quietly. "No." I whisper. "I think they were done after me." She sighs. "How's your arm?" She ask quietly. "It's hard to have sex." She shoves me. "Ew." We both laugh. "Do you think dad gave us Bipolar?" I ask. She looks at me. "Maybe." She whispers. "Probably me." She sits up. "What?" I ask quietly. "I was born first." I shake my head.


"You guys did pretty good raising them." I look at Veronica. "What?" She smiles. "Jason and Dani. You and Ben raised them well." She tells me. I look over at my kids. Jason is about to throw Dani into the pool. "You think? Dani is about to be drowned." I say. Ben luckily walks over to them before anything happens. "What are the Jones doing here?" V ask quietly. "Why?" I look at her. "Well, we don't see them a lot. It's just weird." I nod. "Dani and Jason invited them." She nods. "It's sad what happened." She whispers. Jughead got married quite a while ago to Bailey shortly after college, she died last year. "Yeah." I whisper. Ben walks over to us. "What were they doing?" I ask quietly. "I don't know. Dani said something about his arm. I think." He shrugs. "Yeah they are great children." I flip Veronica off. "Yeah yeah." She smiles and walks over to Betty. "What?" I smile. "Nothing." I kiss him. "We were talking about our kids." I tell him.

"You ok?" I ask Ben. "I need to get to a meeting." He whispers. It's been a few hours. Ben is sitting on the swings, away from everyone. "What's wrong?" I ask kneeling in front of him. "I don't know. I just needed a drink and I drank." I nod. "It's ok." I hand him my water. "Can you just leave me alone right now?" He ask quietly. "You sure?" He nods. "Yeah." I get up and walk away. "Is he ok?" Sweet Pea ask quietly. "I don't know. Can you go talk to him in like 10 minutes?" He nods. "Yeah." I take a deep breath. "Mom?" I turn around to see Jason with a bloody nose. I grab a napkin and try to stop the bleeding. "What happened?" I ask quietly. "Cast." He smiles. "God! You're so clumsy." He nods. "Is dad ok?" He ask quietly. "I don't know bud." I whisper. "Are you ok?" He ask. I look at him. "I don't think anyone is ok." I tell him. "This was our biggest fear fucking up your life with our problems." I explain. "You didn't fuck up our lives. Not yet at least." I look at him. "You and dad are actually pretty good. Even though dad has been in and out of Dani and I'd life, it's been pretty good." He smiles. "The only thing I'm afraid of is becoming an alcoholic. But not because of dad, it's because I don't have self control." He whispers. "I watched him have 6 beers in the span of an hour." He tells me. "No one does that unless they are in high school or a frat boy." I nod. "I'm sorry you have to deal with us."

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