In a Heart Beat

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I take a deep breath. "I'll do the talking." I whisper to Veronica. I ring the doorbell. Penelope opens the door. "Oh it's you." Looks me and Veronica up and down. "What do you want?" She ask pissed. We explain everything to her. "So what you're saying is Cheryl is not Cheryl?" V and I nod. "He really wants you there." I say. "So why isn't he here begging?" I look at her surprised she actually used the right pronouns. "Because he won't admit that he wants you there." Penelope processes for a second. "When is it?" I look at Veronica. "February 17th." I say nervously. "We have an extra ticket and room if you choose to come." I say. "We're getting married in Washington. I have the invitation." I tell her trying not to throw up. I hand it to her. "I'll be there." I sigh in relief.


Veronica helps me put my jacket on. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask her and Alice, who's walking me down the isle because she's the mom I never had. "You've come so far." She fixes my hair. I look at myself in the mirror. "That's what you guys did last night!" Veronica exclaims. "What?" I look at her confused. "You cut your hair." I nod. "Toni wasn't letting our wedding pictures have my hair a mess." Betty walks in. "Toni and the boys are ready." She smiles. I take a deep breath. Alice stands up. We walk outside. It's snowy and freezing. Honestly both what me and Toni wanted. It's weird we both wanted to get married in a winter wonderland. The place we're getting married is always snowy. "I just realized something." Alice stops me. "What?" I start panicking. "I can't walk you down the isle. It's needs to be your mom." She steps aside and my mom is standing there. "I'll leave you two." She walks away with Betty and Veronica. "Mom?" She smiles. "My baby is getting married." She looks at me. "Toni and Veronica already filled me in on everything. Honestly it all makes sense and I'm sorry for sending you conversion therapy and everything I did to push you away. I was jealous you had happiness." She tells me. "It's ok. I get it." I whisper. She smiles. "Can I hug you?" I nod. We hug. Something I've needed from her for almost 23 years. "I wish Jason was here to see you." I smile. "Mom honestly if you want to have a relationship you have to stop talking about Jason so much. I love him more than anything but sometimes it's like you're comparing us." She nods. "Of course." She whispers. "Ok. Sorry to interrupt but Toni is actually ready now." Betty smiles. I nod and we go to a private place under the snow covered trees so I can see Toni for the first time. "Ok Ben stand here." Betty moves me so my back is to everyone. "Ok I actually can't feel my nipples." I shiver. Betty laughs. "Just as I get feeling back." She walks away. "I'll I'm gonna tell you when to turn around." I hear some noise behind me. We definitely aren't having a normal wedding. I'm wearing a red tuxedo with winter boots. "Turn around." Betty squeals excitedly. I turn around and see Toni in a dress which is rare. I immediately start crying. She laughs happily. "You look amazing." I whisper. I go to kiss her but Veronica yells. "No! Not until the wedding." We both laugh. "Forever." I whisper. "Forever." She smiles. "Let's get married." I tell her. "Yeah."

Toni walks down the isle. I get lost in her eyes. Her dad kisses her cheek and shakes my hand. I take her hands. Jughead goes through the whole speech thing honestly wasn't really listening. We did our vows. We cried. "Do you Benjamin Jason Blossom take Antoinette-." I cut to the chase. "I do." Toni laughs. "Toni, do you-." She interrupts him. "In a heart beat." Everyone laughs a little. "Ok! You may place the rings on each other." I place my the wedding ban on Toni and she does the same. "Well then by the state of Washington I announced you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!" I immediately pull Toni into a long kiss. "Forever."

I rap my arm around Toni. It's our honeymoon we decided to go to Miami. "As soon as I get the feeling in my chest back I almost freeze my nipples off." I whisper. She laughs a little. "We're married." She whispers still in shock. She sits up. "I just finish processing that we were engaged." She smiles. "Well we're married and we're on our honeymoon. So I get to explain to the woman doing my massage why I don't have a penis." I joke. "I completely forgot that we would be naked for that. Well it was really funny watching that woman process it." She smiles. "For you!" I insist. "It's over now. Now we can look into our future." She kisses me. "Thank you for getting my mom there." I thank her. "It was a lot easier than I was expecting. She did almost slam the door in me and Veronica's face but still. It was good." She tells me. "Where is she living?" I ask out of curiosity. "Litchfield Connecticut." Toni answers. I kiss her. "I love you." She whispers. "Forever." I whisper. "Can we talk about kids?" I ask quietly. She nods. "I obviously can't have kids like physically." I say. "Well you could... but I don't think you can emotionally do that." She whispers. "No I physically can't have kids. I got my eggs removed and my tubes were tide before I started testosterone. I can't have children." She smiles. "Ok. I'll do it and if I can't we'll figure it out from there." She tells me. "Is there a possibility?" She nods. "There's a reason why I'm a only child." She confesses. "My mom couldn't have another kid. It took everything to have me." She places with my hand. "Well it's ok there's adoption, or a surrogate. My eggs are frozen we can probably do something with ours." I smile. "Ok." She nods. "Take a deep breath." I whisper noticing slight panic on her face.

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