Lost My Mind

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"You ok?" Ben ask quietly. I sit up. "Jason is right." I say very abruptly. "What?" He looks back at me. "I've been spending more time drinking than usual." I say quietly. "You drink?" He ask quietly. "I have a beer with Sweet Pea once a week. That's it. But since the accident, it's more like once a night. I still limit myself to one drink, only because Sweet Pea won't serve me after one." He sits next to me on the bed. "But you're not getting drunk." He whispers. "I don't see the big deal, it's better than me. You don't get drunk because you're life sucks." He tells me. Than I realize what he said. "Hey!" I look at him. "Go talk to your therapist. You haven't seen her in a while." He whispers. "You lost one of your best friends." Ben rubs my back. "The thing is I didn't. I'm closer with Sweet Pea and Fangs the older we all got. Jughead was one of the only person that took me in when my parents we're fighting. Not because Fangs and Sweet Pea wouldn't take me in, I just didn't feel comfortable going to them yet." I tell him playing with the blanket. "Something else?" He ask quietly. I look at him. "Something else is bothering you." He tells me. "Jason found a razor. Luckily he gave it to me before he could do anything." I whisper. "I'm gonna go make dinner." I get up and go downstairs. I make dinner and wait for the kids to come home from whatever they went out to do. Once they all gets home Ian walks into the kitchen. "I got the mail." He says handing it to me. I go through it and see something from Stonewall Prep for him. He starts to walk away. "Wait. This is for you." I hand it to him. "I don't want to go there." He whispers. "Ian, it'll be a good opportunity." I whisper. "I'm fine." He says looking down. "Do you want to graduate?" I ask him. "Not really." He walks out. I take a deep breath and go back into the bedroom. "You need to talk to Ian." I whisper. "W-what?" I show Ben the envelope. "What is this?" He ask quietly. "Stonewall Prep." I whisper. "I opened it, they want him to go there." I tell him. "He doesn't." I add. He looks at me. "Why?" I shrug. "I don't know." I whisper. "I really don't know." I add on. "Talk to Betty about it. It's probably to do with Jughead. They worked together." I nod.

"Do you know anything about this?" I walk up to Betty and show her the letter. "Not really I don't work there." She says quietly. "Ian was asked to go there, and he doesn't want to go." I say sadly. "Jughead went there. He probably doesn't want to be in his shadow." She whispers. "You need to talk to him about going there. He needs to get out of this town, nothing bad is gonna happen but he hates it here, especially now." I nod. "You need to get him there. At least to look, at the school." I nod. "Yeah." She smiles sadly. "Has he gone to school yet?" I shake my head. "He's gonna go back tomorrow." I whisper. "Does he want to go to school?" She ask quietly. "Yes and no. He did ask when he could go back to school, but he doesn't have any friends besides Dani and Jason, so it's not to have a social life."


I don't want to go back to school. It's more for Jason. He gets thrown around a lot. He's not being bullied that bad but enough for his to jump every time a locker slam. That's why I don't want to go to Stonewall. I would love to go the same school my dad went too. "Ian we need to talk." Dani walks over to me. "What?" She pulls me into the Blue and Gold. "Can I close my locker?" I ask pissed. She goes and closes my locker. "Go to Stonewall! You need to get out of this town. Jason will be ok! He can take care of himself. If you love him, you'll go." She holds my shoulders to make me look at her. "I can't leave him." I whisper. "Jason will be ok, I'm gonna be here and he's gained some muscle and I taught him how to throw a punch." She whispers. "Tuition." I whisper. "Your dad left money for college and for something like this." She tells me. I nod. "I'll go. But I'm starting next year!" She hugs me. "Why are you hugging me?" I ask quietly. "Because you need it".

"Toni, Ben? Can I talk you two?" I walk into the living room. "Yes you can go to Stonewall." Toni doesn't look up from her book. "On one condition." She finally looks up. "Tell me what's going on with Jason." I look down. "It's not my story." I whisper. "Ian?" I try not to make eye contact. "If you're gonna stay here you need to honest." I look at Toni. "Not saying we're threatening your place in this house." I sit down and explain what happens to him at school. "If he ask, I didn't say anything." They both nod. "We'll go look at Stonewall to make sure you actually want to go, sometime this week." I nod. "Cool."

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