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"Mom!" Dani yells. "Dani!" I pick her up. "Mom!" Toni walks in. "What's going on?" Dani looks at my wife. "Nothing." She laughs. "So why did you yell for me?" Toni ask slightly frustrated. "Because you guys need to spend more time together." I smile. "You want to go to grandmas?" She nods. "I'll call her."

"What about Jason?" Dani ask quietly. "Mommy needs to take care of him. He's not old enough to stay with grandma." She nods. "Ok." I smile. "Go knock." I whisper. She runs to the door and knocks loudly. Mom opens the door. "Hey! Sweet heart!" She picks Dani up. "I'll be back tomorrow." I walk over to them. "How about you go inside. Go play with your toys." Dani runs into the house. "How's Toni doing?" Mom ask quietly. "A lot better. She's still not back to her normal self but she's not in bed crying anymore." I smile sadly. "Well that's good! How's Jason?" I smile. "He's good. Small because he was born early but adorable." She smiles. "I can bring her home. I really want to see Jason and less work for you." I smile. "That would be nice." I whisper. "Dani! Come say goodbye to your dad!" Dani walks over to me. "Bye Sweetheart. Grandma is gonna bring you home tomorrow ok?" She nods. I kiss the top of her head. "I love you." I whisper. "Forever." She smiles. "Dad let go." I take my hands off her shoulders. "Sorry." I kiss the top of her head and leave. I walk into the house. "Babe! I'm home!" I yell. Jason starts crying. "Damnit Ben!" She yells back. I go upstairs. "Let me." I whisper. "It's taking me a hour to get him to down." She whispers frustrated. "I'm sorry." I pick him up. "Hey bud!" I smile. I sway slowly. "When was the last time he took a bath?" I ask Toni. "Last night." I nod. "Get some rest." I whisper. She goes to the bed as Jason calms down. "He needs to take a nap. I tried everything." I look down. "He's asleep." I put him in the crib. "How?" I shrug taking my shoes off and lying next to her. "Magic fingers." I joke. "We still need to get the god damn cat!" I remember. "We can do that without Dani and surprise her. We can go after the nap." Toni suggest. "Yeah. Take a nap." I rub her shoulder. We both fall asleep. I don't know how much time went by but jump up to crying. "I'll get him." She gets up. "You're so cute!" Toni kisses his cheek. "I'm a dad!" She sighs. "Really?" I smile. "Yes!" She smiles. "Let's go." I get up and we leave.

I push Jason's stroller. "Black cat." I whisper. "I know." Toni whispers. "Look!" Squat down to Jason. "Jason!" I point to a small kitten. "We should get a kitten. It won't die as soon." Stand up. Toni sighs. "Here we go again." She whispers. "What?" She shrugs. "Look!" I insist. "Awww." She smiles. I look at Jason and Toni. "He's cute." She stands up. "Let's get him!" We get the cat. "A name?" The casher ask quietly. "Pepper." I smile. "Ok."

Pepper lies on the bed. "No!" Toni yells. "It's ok. Let him." I pat the bed and he comes closer. "I don't want him on the bed." She whispers. "To bad." I place him between us. "Look out cute." I pout. She smiles petting him. "Fine only because he's cute." Toni whispers. "We could but his bed on the bench." I compromise. She nods. "Ok." I kiss her. We lie there and watch tv for a little bit. "I should check on Dani." I whisper starting to get up. "She's with your mom." I lie back down. She chuckles a little. "Shut up." I try to stop her. "No." She actually starts laughing. "You can call your mom to see how she's doing." Toni suggest. I grab my phone and call my mom. "Ben?" She picks up. "How is Dani?" I ask immediately. No hello, no how are you. No! 'How is Dani?' "She's good! She just went to sleep." I smile. "Ok. That's great. I just wanted to check in." Toni rubs my arm. "I'll bring her back around 3. Is that ok?" I nod. "She can't see you nod babe." Toni whispers. "Yeah! That would be great." I smile. "I'll talk to you later. Bye." I hang up and curl up to Toni. "Testosterone!" I shoot up remembering I need it. "God!" She whispers. We both get up and she helps me take my testosterone. "You should do this." She whispers handing the syringe to me. "No." I whisper my voice cracking a little. "Yes." She smiles. She wipes my thigh. "It's ok." She whispers. I shake my head. I can't, I don't know why! I just hate needles. "Fine! But it's been almost 15 years." She injects it. "Oww!" I whisper. "It's ok." She whispers to me.

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