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I've been by to see Jason almost every time I could. I know he doesn't like being in the psych hospital. He knows why he's here. They diagnosed him with Bipolar. It doesn't surprise me at all. Dad has it so it doesn't surprise me. "Jason." I call out knowing he's off in space. "Yeah?" He looks at me. "You scared me that day." He nods. "I know and I'm really sorry about that." He apologizes. "It's ok. I get it. Everything has been tough recently and that's ok." I tell my brother. "I just want to get out of here." He whispers. "I know." He looks down. "Why do you care about me so much?" He ask quietly. I take a deep breath and shrug. "Because you're my brother." I tell him. "But what about you?" He ask quietly. "What do you mean?" I ask confused. "Well, you're more worried about me in the situation and nobody cared to ask you how you are." He whispers. "I don't really know how I am. I saw this coming the day mom had dad arrested." He looks at me confused. "I was like 7 when that happened." He whispers, I nod. "Their relationship wasn't the same, I didn't tell you because you still thought mom and dad could do nothing wrong. I wanted you to see it for yourself." I tell him. "Dad hasn't been the best father. You and I both know that. But mom has done her best to keep you and I safe. And dad could have been a lot worse." He defense. "Jason! When will you realize what he's done to us! If it wasn't for him you wouldn't be in here! I wouldn't have to pretend like everything was ok when we both know it wasn't! Dad has been a horrible horrible dad! He's spends most of his time in his room mopping or in pain from some surgery he's had! Dad walked out on us!" I get mad. "You have a different relationship with him than I do."

I walk into Pops "Is dad here?" I ask Veronica. "Yeah he's in back." She tells me. I go back to talk to dad. "Hey!" He smiles. "You know I hate you right?" I tell him. He nods. "Yeah." He whispers. "Sit." I sit down on the chair next to him. "You need to fix this." I say my voice trembling. "I'm trying." He whispers. "Dad, Jason's mental health relies on it. I know you lost your brother, I don't think you want the same to happen to me. Right?" I ask digging. "No." He whispers. "Jason means the world to me. I can't live without him." He looks down. "Dani... I don't know if I can fix this." He whispers. "Mom is the problem for once." I look at him. "Both of you are." I get up and leave.

"Jason told me what happened." Kyle whispers before kissing my neck. "A lot of things have happened." I moan quietly. "About the abortion." I stop him. "It's ok." He smiles. "Like I'm not gonna tell you what to do. But I'm kinda happy you got the abortion, but I would have supported you no matter what." I kiss him. "I'm guessing you want to slow down when it comes to sex?" He nods. "Yeah." I nod. "Ok." I smile and kiss him. "I love you." I whisper. He smiles. "I love you too." There's a knock on the door. "It's me." Ian says. "Come in." Kyle gets off me. Ian comes in. "Hey." He waves at me awkwardly. "How's Jason doing?" He ask. "Good. He on track to get out by the end of the summer." He nods. "You can see him next week. He's only allowed one visiter at a time so you can go I'll see him the week after." He nods. It's an awkward silence for a minute until Kyle decides to break it. "Is that it?" He ask slightly pissed off. "Oh! No. Dani your mom wants you to go home." I roll my eyes, get up and drive home. "Mom! I'm home!" I yell walking into the house. "Mom?" I almost called out of Jason but he's not here. I walk into the kitchen and Dad's there. "Dad? What are you doing here?" I ask quietly. He doesn't look ok. "Is mom ok?" I ask nervously. "Yeah. Ah... Jason, he attempted to kill himself again." I take a shaky breath. "Is he ok?" I ask concerned. "Yeah they calmed him down and he's sleeping off the meds. Mom is there right now trying to get more answers, I came here to make sure you got home and everything. Get changed or whatever you need to do we'll go when you're ready." I go and take a shower. Once I'm done we get into the car. "You hungry?" Dad ask quietly. I look at him. "No, the complete opposite actually." I answer. "Well, there are some puke bags in the glove compartment and in back still if you need one." I get motion sickness really easily. Being sick to my stomach doesn't help. "Ready?" He ask quietly. "Yeah." This is gonna be a long 30 minutes. Dad pulls out and we start driving. "You ok?" He ask noticing my nerves. "I wish you were a better parent." I tell him honestly. "I know. I wish I was too." He whispers. "So why aren't you? You know you've been a shitty dad is the past, that's when you try to learn from your mistakes and at least step up now before it's too late for Jason!" I get mad. "What do you think I'm trying to do? This is the 3rd time Jason has been stuck in that place! I knows it's not mom's fault because she has been the best mother I could have asked for you two!" He tells me not letting his eyes leave the road ahead of us. "I just want a dad. And I want my parents together!"

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