One Day

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I pull roll off Toni. "Does this mean-?" I stop her. "Shut up, I'm still mad at you." I whisper. "Right. Can you at least move back on?" She turns to face me. "Yeah." I smile. "We can work everything out." I whisper. I pull her into a kiss. She smiles. "We need to make this work." She whispers. "We will." I reassure her. "I need to get some water." I whisper. I grab my pants, throw them on and go downstairs. I go to the fridge and get some water. "Dad?" I stop and turn to Dani. "Hey." I smile awkwardly. "What are you doing here?" She ask quietly. "Making peace with mom." I whisper. "Ahhh... yes! Very loud peace." I rub the back of my head. "Can you at least wait for me to leave the house?!" I shake my head. "No." She rolls her eyes and leaves.


"I want to go home." I whisper. "I know, but you can't." My therapist says writing something down. "Have you ever thought that it takes kids longer to get better because they aren't home?" I ask sitting up a little. "Because I'm a mama's boy I'm not supposed to be away from her this long." She smiles. "I have thought about that. That's why if you get better you can go home for a day or two. You will still have to be supervised but it's something." She tells me. "I want to go home forever. I don't want to see this place again." I say. "This place sucks. I know, but we're here for a reason because if not you would have died 3 years ago." She tells me. "I just wanna go home. I know things are rough at home and I'm getting the help I need here but I want to go home and be coddled like a baby." I whisper. "Do you blame anything that's going on with your parents on yourself?" She ask. "Not really. Dad was falling apart before Dani was even born but them having kids doesn't make anything better." I tell her. "I don't blame myself for them deciding to have another kid." I whisper. "How do you know they decided?" She ask quietly. "W-well, because my dad can't make a baby's?" I whisper confused about how I said that. "What?" She ask confused. "My dad is trans." I say awkwardly. "I'm not trying to out of him or anything but it's the only way to explain that." I whisper. "I won't say anything." She smiles. "So your parents couldn't have a child without a surrogate?" I nod. "Do you know who your biological father is?" She ask quietly. "Yeah! My mom's best friend. Sometimes he's a better dad than my dad. Even though he technically is my dad, but you know what I mean!" She smiles. "I get what you're saying." She whispers. "You know you're really invasive." I tell her. "It's my job." She tells me. "No. It's your job to make my life better! You're just bringing up stuff that I don't talk about! Not because I don't want to it's just I don't feel like it's important. I know why my dad is the way he is, I know that he can't be my biological dad even though I think he is." I think for a second. "I don't know. It's all confusing and honestly I don't really care." I say thinking out loud. "I just want them to get back to normal." I whisper. I sit up. "When am I get home?" I ask quietly. "The more you ask the longer you stay." My eyes widen. "I'm kidding. I honestly have no idea." She smiles.

I get woken up to a knock on the door. The door slowly opens. "It's time to wake up." One of the nurses comes in. I groan. "Can I go home?" I ask quietly. "No." She places a cup of water and my medication on the night stand. "Come on." She whispers. "What's your name?" I ask quietly. "Sarah." She smiles. "Cool." I nod. "You're new." I whisper. "Yeah I started yesterday." She hands me my meds. "How long have you been here?" She ask quietly. "About a month." I say sadly. "I'm guessing you miss your parents." I nod. "Yeah, I miss my sister and my boyfriend." I smile thinking about them. She looks at me. Oh right it's not an everyday thing to be gay. I smile. "I think I'm gay." I say way to confidently. She looks at me confused. "Why are you telling we this stuff?" She ask. "Because I'm an awkward teenager in a psych ward." I whisper. "Fair enough." She shrugs. She looks at her clipboard. "You have group therapy today." I nod. "Come on, get dressed and eat some breakfast." She tells me. "I'm not hungry." I whisper. "Jason you know the rules." I nod. "Yeah. But it's to early." I whisper. "I don't have an appetite." I tell her. "I usually eat around 9 after activity. It's 7." I tell her. "I don't like eating at this time." I sit up awkwardly. "If you look at my paper work it says that." I stand up and show her. I stand there awkwardly. "You're right. Sorry about that." She smiles. "This is your job." I whisper.

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