Up and Out

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It's been a month and Jason is finally going home. Since he's not 18 he can't sign himself out me and Ben have to go and get him. He also doesn't have a car. I walk out of the car. "Mom." I look at Dani. "Yeah?" She hands me her crotches. She fell last week and broke her foot. It was really embarrassing for her at least. I help her get up. "You ok?" I ask. "Yeah." She smiles. "How is your foot feeling?" Ben ask. "Fine. I'll take some more pain killers when we get home." She whispers. "Ok." We go into the ward. "We're here to pick Jason Blossom up." I say.


After about ten minutes Jason walks out. We all stand up. "Hey." He walks over to me immediately. "What happened to you?" He ask quietly. "I passed out on the toilet and instead of hitting my head I managed to break my foot." I smile. He smiles. I pull him into a hug. "I missed you." He whispers. "I saw you last week." I smile. "Yeah, which is like a year in there." He jokes. "Fair." I smile. "Ready to go?" Dad ask quietly. He looks back. "Yeah." He says nervously. We all go back to the car. "Can we go to Pop's?" Jason ask perking up a little. "Of course." Dad smiles. We drive to Riverdale and go to Pop's.

"So..." I tap the table awkwardly. "I can't even jokingly ask if you met a girl or whatever because you have a boyfriend." I whisper. Mom and dad are at the counter talking to Veronica about something. "How are they doing?" He ask quietly. "Good!" I say. "They're still figuring things out of course but they aren't at each other throats and can be seen out in public together without getting in an argument." I say more perking up a bit. "That's good." He whispers playing with his food. "You ok?" I ask concerned. "I think so." He smiles awkwardly. "Are you gonna see the same therapist?" He nods. "Yeah." He whispers. "Obviously she helped you a lot." I say. He nods. "I'm seeing ever other day for about a month and than we'll see how I'm doing from there." He says awkwardly. Honestly I kinda forgot how awkward Jason can be outside of the ward. "What are you going to do now?" I ask quietly. "Probably see Ian." I nod. Mom and dad walk over and sit next to us. Dad hands Jason a milkshake. "You ok man?" He ask quietly. "Yeah." Jason smiles. I can tell he's not ok. Like he's a lot better than before he's just getting used to everything again. He takes a deep breath.

I walk into Jason's room from the bathroom. He's just sitting in his bed looking around. "How was Ian's?" I ask. He looks at me. "Fine." He smiles. "Yeah?" He nods. "I would have still be there though but mom and dad gave me a curfew." I sit next to him. I make sure my crutches don't fall. "Luckily I didn't have to buy new ones." I jab at him. "Oh shut up!" We both laugh. "I had to do a lot of adjustments to these." I whisper. "You made them gay." He jokes. "Not really." I look at him. "You put pink duct tape." He whispers. "Yeah, but colors don't have genders." I whisper. "That's why I said you made it gay not girly." He smiles. "True." I shrug. I look at him. "You ok?" He nods. "It's just weird being back home." He whispers. "Yeah." I sit back. "Dani?" He looks back at me. "What's up bud?" I ask quietly. "I need your help making sure I don't go back into that place." I nod. "But you know that if try to hurt yourself or anything like that you have to go back." He nods. "I know and I can't promise I'm not gonna end up in that mind set but I'm trying to keep myself out of rehab as long as possible." I smile. There's been times where he can't even make it 100 days out. That's only happened twice but he's mostly there over the summer. "I don't want to go back to school." He whispers. "Is high school scary?" He ask looking at me. "Yeah." I nod. "But you're a strong kid and I'll be there for you." I tell him. "I know you probably hate me but I'll be by your side the entire time." I whisper. "Mostly because you're my little brother and I'm the only who is allowed to torture you by having you hold my books." I say sarcastically. "You'll do fine. High school is fine, it's gonna suck sometimes but nothing is as bad as middle school." We both laugh.

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