I'll Be Ok

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I finish reading to Dani. "Where's daddy?" She ask quietly. "He's on a business trip." I lie. I hate lying to the kids. "When will he be back?" She ask concerned. "In a few days." I smile. "Go to sleep sweet girl." I kiss the top of her head.

"Mrs. Blossom!" I turn around to see Dani's teacher. "Is everything ok?" I ask concerned. "Yes! Just I'm worried about Danielle. I heard what happened to your husband." I nod. "We're choosing not to tell the kids. Also I would hope you can respect that." I say quietly. "Of course, but I just need to know what you want me to say if she brings it up." She tells me. "I've just been saying he's on a business trip, we don't really know when Ben is going to be released from the hospital. I just keep saying he'll be home soon and sometime in the future." She nods. "Ok! I'll make sure if she ask anything to say that. I'll send you updates." I smile. "Thank you." I whisper. "I should get going. I have a class to teach." I walk to my car and get in. I sit there for a minute and start crying. I somehow get myself together and drive to the hospital. I walk into Ben's room. He's still asleep so I sit down on a chair. I take his hand. He hasn't been sleeping well so I don't bother him. Betty walks in quietly. "I just came to see how he was doing. Veronica didn't say anything this morning." I look at Ben. "He's better. This is the most he's slept this week."

I feed Ben some Jello since both of his hands are broken. He was beaten badly. Both his hands, left shoulder, left foot and 2 ribs are all broken. Unfortunately he won't be leaving here for a few weeks. "I hate this stuff." He whispers. "Yeah but you eat like a 5 year old so there isn't much else for you to eat right now." I tell him. "How are you feeling?" I ask quietly. He shakes his head. "Numb." He whispers. I notice something is really bothering him. "Ben." I look at him. "What's wrong?" I ask knowing the answer. "The guy, he took my wallet, and my phone. Those had my life in them." I wipe the tear. "They found the guy who did this, they found your phone and wallet. They just need to keep them for evidence." I look at him. "You'll get them back soon." He nods. I look at the time. "I have to go pick the kids up. I'll see you tomorrow." I stand up and grab my bag. I kiss him. "I love you." He smiles. "I love you too. Try to get some sleep. Betty will be back in a bit." I walk out and go to the kids school. Jason comes out first because the younger kids are released first. "Hey buddy!" I kiss the top of his head. "How was school?" I ask quietly. "Great we colored!" I smile. "That's great bud." I pick him up and falls asleep. Dani comes out a few minutes later. She looks upset. "What's wrong?" I ask quietly. "I miss daddy!" I pull her close. "He's be home soon. Come on let's go home before your brother starts drooling on me." I reach my hand out and she takes it. We go to the car and drive home. I still can't believe I turned in my truck for a mini van! I miss big blue. But honestly I love my kids more than a stupid truck. I pick Jason up and go inside. "Dani go get something to eat. I'm gonna put Jason to bed." I tell her. I go upstairs and go to Jason's room. I write out his schedule for the rest of the week on the small bored in his room. "Mommy?" I turn around. "You ok bud?" He nods. "Do you need to unwind?" He nods again. "Ok. I'll give you a minute." I smile walking out. I go downstairs to Dani who's eating a small apple. "How was school?" I ask quietly. "Fine." She says sadly. "What's wrong?" I ask concerned. "Are kids being mean?" I ask ready to beat up who ever thinks about hurting my little girl. She shakes her head. "Is school getting a little difficult?" She's been struggling in school. She nods. "It's ok baby. We're talking to your teacher and trying to help you." I cup her cheek. "Ok Dani?" She nods. "I love you." I whisper to her. "I love you, to the moon." I kiss her cheek.

"How's Jason?" Ben ask quietly. "Good! He's looking more like Sweet Pea everyday." I look down at my fries and dip them in my milkshake. "Hopefully he gets your smarts." Ben smiles. "Sweet Pea is smart he just doesn't know how to express it." I whisper. "Thanks for sneaking Pops in." He smiles. "It wasn't that hard." I take his hand. "How are you feeling?" I ask concerned. "Everything is still processing in my head." He tells me. "I'm sorry this happened." I whisper. "It's not your fault." He says before eating his burger. "But I could have been there!" I insist. "No! You couldn't have. It's ok. I'm in a lot of pain physical and emotionally but, I'm ok. The guy was caught, I'm alive. It's sucks what happened to me and it sucks that it's happening all over the world, but I'm ok and I'll be even better soon."

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