Old Ways

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I feel like I'm living with a teenager. "Ben!" I knock in the door. He groans. "One minute!" He struggles to get out. I roll my eyes. "You said that 10 minutes ago!" I look at Veronica who's standing at the door of the bedroom. "I'm married to a teenager." I whisper. "Ben! We need to go." I say threw the door. I should have thought about getting him a flesh light more logically. He opens the door. "You wanted me to get better right?" He smiles. "Yeah, but not with Veronica in the room." He looks at V, realizes he's only wearing underwear and grabs some clothes. "I'll give you a minute." Veronica walks out closing the door. "Ben." I pull him to me. "I am happy you are starting to figure everything out. But the masturbating needs to be toned down." I whisper. He nods. "Ok. Speaking of. I need more lube." I sigh. "You have money. Also it's been a month!"


We're in the hot tub again, it's nice in here. I kiss Toni. She moves her hand down my body. "You ok?" She ask quietly. "Yeah." I smile. She takes off my swimming trunks. "Which one?" She ask quietly. I grab my balls and press the pump. "Left." I whisper as I get hard. I slide inside her panicking a bit. "You ok?" She ask quietly. "Yeah." She rides me slowly. "Be careful." I whisper. She nods. "Always." She rides me a little faster. "Toni!" I moan. Luckily we don't have many neighbors and the houses are far enough apart that there isn't much of a worry for people hearing us. I pick her up move her to the edge of the hot tub. I thrust at a reasonable pace. "Baby!" She moans kissing me. "I'm gonna cum." I still don't have a handle on the whole cumming thing. I can't really hold it. "It's ok." She whisper. I cum inside her. "Ahh!" I moan. I take a second to breathe and move down to her tight pussy. I start sucking her clit. "Ben!" She moans out. "I'm gonna-." She cums in my mouth. I deflate myself and pull my trunks up. I kiss her again. "I bet this is better than by yourself." She whispers. "Oh yeah definitely." I smile. "I still need to figure everything out though." She cups my cheek. "You're doing great." She smiles.

I walk out of Pops. "Hey faggot." I look over and see some guy walking over to me. He looks pissed. He walks closer and I start running. He manages to get to me. He pulls me into a ally. "You're a fucking fag!" He beats me up. "This is what you get!" He pushes me against a wall, I try to get him off me but it's to late. He pulls my pants down. "Stop please!" I plead. He pulls my underwear down. "Help!" I yell at the top of my lungs but no one hears me. He roughly shoves his dick inside me. "Fuck you!" I yell. I try to push him off me. I start to give up because there's no stopping him. Once he's done he pushes me to the floor and he kicks me in the ribs. He takes my phone and wallet, punches me in the face and runs. I try to get up but there to much pain. "Fuck!" I groan. Luckily some kids were walking by. "Help!" I try to yell but not much comes out, they do hear me and come to my aid. Next thing I know everything goes black.

I wake up. My head is pounding and I'm in a lot of pain. Toni! "Baby!" I look over and see her. "Oh thank god!" She comes over to me. "Where am I?" I ask quietly. "You're in the hospital." She whispers. "What happened?" I ask confused. "Some kids found you in a ally beaten up." That's when it all hit me, I also my ass really hurts. "God!" I start crying. "You're ok." She whispers.

"Can you tell me what happened Ben?" Jughead who's now the sheriff ask concerned. "I was leaving Pops after helping Veronica with something. This guy came over, he called me a faggot, I realized he was probably gonna try and kill me so I started running. He caught up to me really quickly. Once he did he dragged me into the ally and..." I stop for a second. "It's ok." He whispers. "I need just need to know what happened." I nod. "He beat me up and forced himself on me." I confess. "You were raped?" I nod. I feel Toni's grip tighten in anger. "Do you mind taking a rape kit?" He ask quietly. I shake my head. "Do you have a preference on who helps you?" I nod. "I would prefer a women." I whisper. "Do you know if he used any kind of protection?" Jug ask quietly. "I'm not sure. I kinda blacked out." He smiles sadly. "I'll get someone from the station to help you." He leaves. "The kids!" I panic. "They're with Veronica!" Toni reassures me. "They've been with them a lot." I whisper. "I know but Dani is used to going over there on the weekends anyways." She smiles sadly. "How do you feel?" She ask concerned. "Violated." She kisses my hand. "I'm sorry baby."

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