I'm Not Gonna Say Anything

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"Can I say something that I know you won't want to hear?" I ask my therapist. "Yeah." She nods. "So, I know I'm know I'm not allowed to see anyone who isn't family. But I really miss me my boyfriend. And I need something to you know... I've had to cum in way to many tissues than I would like to admit. Would it be ok if he came. Just want to have a moment with him to get some things out of my system." I say really awkwardly. She clears her throat. "I can see what I can do." She tells me. "I can't promise you that you will be able to be intimate with him." I nod. "I just want to see him." I smile. "If you makes you feel better." She smiles.

Ian walks into my room. I stand up. "Hey!" I smile hugging him. I kiss him. "I've missed you." He tells me. "I've missed you too." I smile. "We have about ten minutes until someone will come in a tell us off." He closes the door. "That unfortunately more than enough time." He jokes. I pull him into a kiss and we go to the bed. "How far do you want to let this go?" He ask quietly. "I don't care just need pleasure." I whisper in between kisses. "Take off your pants." He whispers. I slide my pants down and he slides my dick through my underwear. I kiss him. I unbuckle his pants. "Do you have a condom?" I ask quietly. He nods and pulls one out. He slides it on me. He gets on top of me and I slide myself in him. "Ahh!" I moan. "You ok?" I ask quietly. "Not anything crazy." I smile. "Of course." He starts slowly.

I button Ian's shirt. "You ok?" I ask quietly. "I miss you." He whispers. "I'm getting better." I tell him. He nods. "How are my parents doing?" I ask quietly. "I don't know." He whispers. "I think they are doing better. Did everything that happened to you happen because of everything with your parents?" He ask concerned. I look down. "Jason?" He cups my cheek. "Maybe." I whisper. "I didn't know how to deal with it so I went back to my old ways. I didn't know what else to do." He hugs me. Mom walks in. "Hey!" She smiles. "I brought cookies." She places them on the table awkwardly. "I'll give you guys a minute." I shake my head. "It's fine." Mom walks over and hugs me. "Where's dad?" I ask. "Dani had to get her braces fixed last minute and he was here last weekend." I nod. "It's fine." I smile. "You ok bud?" She ask quietly. "I think so." I whisper. "I umm... I need to go." I whisper before going to my therapist. I knock on the door. "Come in!" She says through the door. I walk in. "Aren't you suppose to be with your boyfriend?" I nod. "Yeah. I feel like I'm suffocating and I don't know why." I sit down on the chair. She gets up and walks up from her desk. "What happened?" She ask opening her folder and clicking her pen. "Well, I was talking to Ian and a we were talking about my parents and everything that happened to me and my mom came in and my dad wasn't there." She nods. "I don't know where they are right now. I keep asking and no one is telling me and I don't know what to do." I whisper. "Do you want me to call your mom in here?" She ask quietly. "No. I know you see her after I do so you can try and talk her into talking to me about there relationship." She nods. "I will."


"Mom?" I walk into her and dad's room. "What's up?" She turns around from the closest. "What's happening with you a-and dad?" I ask quietly. "He's been here more and I just wanna know." I elaborate. She takes a deep breath. "Dad and I have been in therapy trying to pick up the pieces." She whispers. "Are you guys getting a divorce?" I ask almost scared of what the answer is gonna be. "I honestly don't know, but I don't think either of us have to heart to do it no matter what happens between us." She tells me. "Why do you ask?" She puts some clothes away. "Jason is wondering." I tell her honestly. "He doesn't need to know what's going on here. He needs to worry about himself." She says slightly frustrated. "Maybe if he knew what was going on here he would have an easier time." I suggest. "I'll think about it." She whispers walking out. "Mom!" I walk after her. "Dani, right now is not the time." She whispers. "Why?" I ask quietly. "Because we're not there to talk to him!" She says like it's  obvious. "Fair enough." I shrug. "What's for dinner?" I ask changing the subject. "Don't know ask dad." She looks at me. "Dad can't cook." I say. "I heard that!" Dad yells from the bathroom. "He still can't cook." I say quietly. Mom smiles. "I'm not gonna say anything." She walks away.

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