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I don't remember if I gave Sweet Pea and Josie's child a name or gender so we'll pretend like we've never met the kid even if I did because I don't plan this shit.


"What are we going to do about Jason?" Ben ask quietly. "I know he just got help, but he's not emotionally there." He whispers sitting up. "I'll talk to his therapist tomorrow and see what's going on." I whisper. "You need to stop worrying so much." I tell him. "Not saying you can't worry. But you're losing sleep and it's starting to effect you." I whisper. He nods. "I'm gonna go check on him though." He gets up. "Ben if something is wrong Dani will come in and tells us." As I say that Dani comes in. "He's fine, he's sound asleep." She whispers. "So what's up?" Ben sits down. Dani shrugs. "I'm still kinda mad at both of you." She says awkwardly. "Like, I love you both because you're my mom and dad and you've always been there for me and Jason, even if you're marriage was falling apart. I still can't forgive you guys for putting Jason through that. He was doing really well until you guys started fighting." She rants. We both look down. "At first I thought it was just dad because of you not really being emotionally available, but mom, you were the one who fell out of love!" Dani tells us very frustrated. "Dani..." I whisper. "I'm sorry." She walks out. Ben and I look at each other. "I don't think Jason is the one we have to worry about at the moment." He whispers. "I don't think she'll ever let it go." I whisper. "I don't blame her though. We did fuck everything up. You said what you said and I blew up about it." Ben sits back on the bed. "I don't blame her at all." He says fudging a little. "I'm gonna go get something to drink." Ben gets up and goes downstairs. I get up and go to Jason's room to make sure he's still asleep. "Mistrust doesn't help." He says abruptly. I turn on his light. "I thought you were asleep." I whisper. "I was. You're a loud walker." He sits up. "Sorry." He shrugs. "I also heard what Dani was talking to you guys about." I sit on his bed. "I'm sorry bud." I whisper. "I don't hate either of you and I don't think it's you and dad's fault." He says quietly. "It didn't help not going to lie. But it wasn't you guy's fault." He whispers. "I'm still sorry." I apologize to him. "I'm not going to be the one you're supposed to be apologizing to." He says playing with his blanket. "Mom?" I look at him and nod. "Can I hangout with Sweet Pea for a few days?" He ask nervously. "I know it's a weird question. But I just want to talk to about my biological family history. Not saying that Dad isn't my father, but I just want to know more about my family history. I don't know if that makes sense." He says awkwardly. "I know what you mean. Dad's family history is pretty fucked up and you can ask anyone in Riverdale and you know my family history." We both laugh a little. "I'll call him and see if he minds." He nods. "Cool." I look at him. "You ok?" I ask quietly. "I'm afraid that I'm gonna end up back in the hospital by Christmas." I look at him. "You won't. I'm not going to tell you to cheer up because I know that doesn't work. But talk to me or dad or you're therapist if you're not ok. Ok bud?" He nods. "Of course." I kiss the top of his head. "How was school?" I ask quietly. He shrugs. "It was fine. I kinda wish I went on the first day of school though." I nod. "I'm sorry. It wasn't really up to me. You're therapist thought you should be home for a couple days before you went to school." He nods. "I know but it just felt weird you know?" I nod. "Of course. I just want you to be ok." He looks down. "You're gonna be ok no matter what." He nods. "Mom?" I look at him. "Can I go to bed?" I smile. "Yeah." I get up and turn off his lights. "Good night bud." I whisper. "Good night mom." He smiles.

I walk into Pops. "Toni!" Veronica announcing to the entire restaurant. "I just came to pick up dinner." I smile. Jason walks in a minute later. "Sorry Ian called me." He says quietly. "You ok?" I ask. "Yeah." He nods smiling a little. Unfortunately we have to keep an eye on Jason all the time. Dani and Ben are at the DMV right now so Dani can take her driver test. That means Jason has to come with me to run errands. Veronica hands me out food. "Thank you." I pay her.


Sweet Pea looks at me. I'm helping him fix his bike. "You ok?" He ask quietly. "Yeah." I whisper. "Did you take your medication?" He ask. I hate when people ask me anytime I feel a hint of sadness. "Why does it matter to you?" I ask handing him a wrench. "Because I'm your uncle." He says not looking away from the bike. "Well you're biologically my father." I say without much thought. "You're not helping your case." He looks at me and smiles. "You're right." I agree. "But yes I did. You're the one who forced them down my throat." I whisper. "Fair. How's the boyfriend?" He ask smiling. "Good. We keep trying to go on dates but Dani insist on going with us with her boyfriend and taking me home at 7:30." He laughs a little. "Well Dani cares about you and your parents did sent a curfew for you." He looks back at me. "Yeah but mom and dad said it would be ok if I came home a little later just as long as I called one of them to see them my whereabouts." I state. He shrugs. "She was even there when Mom said I could!" I say slightly frustrated. "And for some fucking reason Dani won't forgive our parents for having their issues. She won't let it go." He looks at me. "Well, maybe it's her own problems." He suggests. "I don't think so. She went on a ten minute rant about how she can't forgive them because of everything that I did to myself and she's a hundred percent sure that it was all because of them but I've told her a million and one times that it's not their fault. It didn't help but I don't blame my parents for me almost killing myself! Do I blame dad for my Bipolar?" I pause for a second. "Yes! But I don't at the same time." I whisper. He looks at me confused. "What?" I stand up and pace around. "I don't know! I just-." I sigh. "I don't understand Dani's hatred towards my parents. Specifically dad! She just blames everything I've been through on him!" I get frustrated. "Jason calm down." I didn't realize that I was getting frustrated until I realize I unclench my fist. "Shit sorry." Sweet Pea smiles. "It's fine. siblings are annoying." He jokes. "I think it's more of her needing something to blame her problems on." I bite my lip. Josie walks into the garage. "Dinner is ready." She smiles. "Both of you clean up." She says. "Aren't you suppose to be performing at Madison Square Garden or something?" I ask walking into the house. "That was last week." She smiles. I go and wash my hands and try to get as much grease off my face as possible but end up making it worse. I walk out and sit at the dinner table. Their daughter Ava looks at me with heart eyes. I cringe. "Have you ever dated anyone?" She ask quietly. "I'm gay!" This is like the millionth time we've been over this. "That's cool." I look at her confused. "I have a boyfriend?" I try to rationalize her. "Break up with him." She smiles. "I'm 5 years older than you!" I tell her. She shrugs. "Have I mentioned that I'm your half brother?" I ask quietly. Sweet Pea walks in. "Stop flirting with him. It's weird." He sits down. "Yeah you hear that? It's weird!" I insist. Ava gets mad and walks away. "I don't understand why she doesn't understand that I'm not into her and related to her." I whisper. "I don't know."

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